Thursday, September 22

11 Week Appointment

Our 11 week appointment was on September 22nd. My mom went to this appointment with me- she was dying to see the baby on the ultrasound. I was just amazed at how much our baby had grown in three short weeks! This time we were actually able to see a small arm, profile, and little legs. The baby kept moving and bouncing around! I would giggle and then he/she would get really still for a moment before starting up again.

Everything looked great and the heartbeat was 160 bpm. This time we were actually able to hear the heartbeat using the Doppler, rather than just seeing it on the ultrasound.  It sounded like a train going over the train tracks. I could sit and listen to that for hours!

At my first appointment I just knew I'd have to do lab work. I loathe needles! Luck was on my side that time. I wasn't so lucky this time around. But seeing my sweet baby made it all worth it!

In the top picture, you can see a little arm sticking up. I dreamed about sweet baby arms and fingers for several nights afterward :)

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