Friday evening the hubs and I built a 'fort' in the middle of our living room and the rest of the night revolved around that one spot. Movies are much better when paired with popcorn eaten inside your secret fort :)
Saturday I had the pleasure of being a guest speaker for the Youth Girl's weekend retreat. I shared my testimony with the group and enjoyed some good fellowship with a precious group of young girls!
After lunch my hubby ran to town to pick up a new kiddie pool. The last one was damaged during an episode with the lawnmower. We switched it up and put this pool on the porch rather than by the swing set. Best decision ever. The little one can now splash and play without fear of sunburn or mom and dad having a heat stroke. Fabulous! Bob's mom stopped by for a few minutes- just in time to help set up the new pool ;)
Saturday night we ventured back to the Youth retreat to enjoy some amazing worship music, prayer time, and more fellowship with friends. A rain shower required we move indoors, but that didn't stop us from having an awesome time! We left refreshed, renewed, and in awe of our God.
By this point, sweet girl was oh so tired. Even as sleepy as she clearly is in the clip, she was still trying to dance a little :) And yes, that's her lovey in her mouth and her 'cake' as she calls her blanket around her shoulders {when she's tired, those two are a must!}
Sunday was our usual routine of Sunday School and church. It was our turn to take nursery duty so we got to spend an hour loving on some of the cutest babies you could ever imagine! Love spending time loving on those sweet little ones :) Sunday night it was back to evening worship followed by an early bedtime of 8:00 for all of us!
This morning Mary Grace and I ventured to see my sweet friend, Shelly. She is always a breath of fresh air and so encouraging! Love our coffee chats together .
Right now the wee one is napping, I've sent my article to my editor, and all the chores are caught up. Looks like the next two hours will be spent in a good book.
Happy Monday, Lovelies!
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