Wednesday, July 2

Living Stones

God has been moving in my life in the most amazing, tangible ways. He recently showered me with a blessing that left me radiating and eager to share with others how He had orchestrated one of my biggest 'God moments'. Specifically, I felt the need to share the story of this blessing with my dear friend, Sassy.

Sassy and I have had some amazing conversations centered around Jesus, how He is calling us into deeper waters, and how we are longing to love and serve Him more. While we have been friends for years, it's only been recently that we have gravitated closer out of our love for Jesus.

One Summer morning a few weeks ago, I sat on the porch at Sassy's home and began telling her the amazing way the Holy Spirit showed up and gave me a clear direction. My sweet friend sat and listened, tears streaming down her face. Worried that I had somehow upset her, I began apologizing for sharing my good news with her. 

She quickly stopped me and said that she was going through a very similar situation and had been praying for God to give her direction and move in her life.

My story, which I had felt prompted to share with her, allowed Jesus to love on her hurting heart through His movement in my life. It was exactly what she needed to hear- Jesus is moving, and in tangible ways. It gave her hope and excitement of how Jesus would show up for her.

I went to chat with a friend and share some good news, but unexpectedly found my story ministering to my friend. The next morning, my quiet time included a brief study on 1 Peter 2. It was more proof that our 'God moments' {those times when God shows up in amazing ways} are meant to be shared with others as encouragement.

The Holy Spirit inspired Peter to write to believers, and in his book 1 Peter, we are referred to as Living Stones.

"You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ {1 Peter 2:5}."
There is a wealth of information found in just this one verse. The Greek term for 'stone' used in this verse is lithos, which is also the same original Greek term used to describe the stone that rolled away from Jesus' tomb.

We are called to be Living Stones. What does that mean? It means sharing how Jesus is moving in our life. In essence, letting our stones roll away to display proof that our God is alive, active, and often moves in tangible ways. Notice it says Living Stones- not Dead/Inactive Stones. Living. When we share how God has moved in our midst, we are giving proof that He is indeed alive and very much active. 

You see, on that morning as I shared how God had answered almost every prayer I had prayed over the last year in just under two hours, I was allowing my stone to roll away. I was giving proof that the tomb is indeed empty, and that God is not dead. He is alive.

On that morning I wasn't preaching to my friend with my lips, but rather a life experience. Dear friends, it's your life, not your lips, that speaks more about the Living Redeemer. People can often dispute words and ideas, but it's hard to disregard a provable life experience where God moved in tangible ways.

When God shows up for us, we are called to share what He is doing with others. We are to share our life experiences of how He is active and involved- even in the small details of our lives. In sharing these experiences, you may unexpectedly find yourself ministering to someone who needed to see that God is indeed still there, listening to our prayers, and ready to act on our behalf.

Has God moved in  your life lately? If so, I challenge you to pray about who you should share this experience with. Then go! Be a Living Stone that rolls away to show the tomb is empty, and Jesus is alive.

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