Wednesday, July 16

That Fall Feeling

When I stepped out onto our back porch to feed Louie this morning, I had to remind myself that it is indeed still July- and not October.

Today feels like Fall.

And while I'm still enjoying this fun season, today's cool temps and Autumn atmosphere have me dreaming of my favorite season- Fall.

I checked the forecast and it looks as if we will be enjoying these much cooler temps through the weekend. Fabulous! Maybe we can actually get outside and play without fear of heat strokes.

Unfortunately for us, the wee one and I are a bit under the weather- yucky runny nose for her, a sore throat for me. Hopefully our day indoors, lounging in pajamas, and taking it easy will be just the ticket to getting us back to 100% by the weekend.

I'm thinking these cooler temps are calling for a day of fishing with Mary Grace in our back yard. It's still on our Summer Bucket List waiting to be checked off.

Enjoy the break from the heat, my friends!
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