Bobby's grandmother, Nanny, never fails to have fresh, home baked, sourdough bread just waiting to be devoured! Lately, I've been on this Christian Fiction about the Amish kick (blog on this coming soon). Well, while reading several of these books I've decided that I could turn Amish and live quite happily! What's stopping me? Two things: 1)My husband, and 2) The thought that I might not be able to survive Alabama summers without air conditioning! However, reading all of these Christian Fiction Amish books has left an impression on me. I've been talking with Nanny for a while about getting a sourdough starter from her and baking my own bread. I never decided to go through with it until I finished my last Amish book. Last week I received my sourdough starter from Nanny! That night I fed it and and was kneading dough the next day! The recipe makes three loaves; I kept two and gave the other to my Daddy. It's embarrassing to admit but I ate both loaves in less than 24 hours! Oh, it's irresistibly delicious! Let me tell you, Sara Lee has nothing on home baked bread!
After seeing how much my Daddy and family enjoyed it, I've decided that home baked bread would make nice 'thank you' gifts. To spruce up the bread as a gift I thought I could place the bread in a clear, plastic, 'treat' bag, tie the top with a bow, and place a cute label or card onto it - and voila, I've 'Martha Deen'ed' it! (Martha Deen is a term often used by my girlfriend and I to describe me or someone creative. It means a twist between creative Martha Stewart and the very southern Paula Deen! We are in Alabama- the 'Dirty South' after all!)
There's a lot of preparation and work involved in making this scrumptious treat. It is a three day process but it's very much worth the time. After baking my own I now have a deeper appreciation for Nanny's readily available treat. So, I'm now in the process of baking my second batch of sourdough bread. By 8:00 tomorrow morning I will be enjoying a fresh, hot piece of sourdough bread for breakfast! In the words of the great Rachel Ray- YUMMO!
I'd like to give a big THANK YOU to my unbelievably creative friend, Mrs. Jamie Grizzle, for designing our new blog! Thanks so much Jamie - you totally rocked out our blog!

1 comment:
Way to go on your first blog and adding elements to your page. Looks like you've got the hang of it!
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