Summer is not my favorite season. Although it should be in that as a teacher I 'supposedly' have summers off. I do look forward to summer for one reason: tomatoes! Every year my Dad grows tomato plants. I am grateful that he supplies them for me because if it we up to me to grow them then our family would miss out on this delectable treat! I try to follow the advice of the great Paula Deen, "Every southern woman should know how to grow tomatoes". I've tried three years and never mastered it. I'm trying though, does that count? Anyway, this afternoon I ate the first tomato of the season from my Dad's garden. Yummy! During the summer I practically live off of tomato sandwiches! I could eat them forever and never tire of them! I also love the small 'Tommy Toes' tomatoes (some call these grape tomatoes). They are perfect in salads. Bobby loves fried green tomatoes- which I plan to surprise him with at dinner tonight! After doing a bit of research I've discovered that in the South we consider tomatoes to be vegetables, but in fact they are actually fruit. The health benefits of tomatoes are too many to count- one more reason why I love this summertime treat! So, here's to you tomato! May I enjoy many more lunchtime visits with you!
"Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad"
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