Thursday, June 26

It's all about the Day Planner

In one of my earliest blogs I promised to give you a glimpse of my day planner obsession! I bought my first day planner in October of 2005. Big mistake because now I'm addicted. My first planner was by DayOne (great brand-I recommend it!) and it was red. The following year when it came time to buy a new one I decided to go with was I knew worked! So, I bought the exact same day planner. My relationship with my beloved day planner was going great until October of 2007. WalMart no longer sold my favorite that moment I do believe Earth's spin drastically slowed! For two weeks I searched and searched for my beloved planner. It was nowhere to be found. So, I began looking for a new one- but I just couldn't find one that was a good as my 'ole faithful. Then one day my dear friend Layla helped convince me to buy the planner I now have. I decided to get one that lasted for 18 months (delay the heartache of having to buy a new one a bit longer!). My current planner is read and it a great Christian planner in that it have some great scripture and quotes all throughout it!

What's the big deal about a day planner? My planner doubles as my diary. I even have secret codes that only I know the meaning of! Haha so middle school I know. However, my planner is a very personal thing. You can flip through and know exactly what I've done every day. My close friends know that if it's written in my planner then it's law!

In all seriousness, I highly recommend a planner to anyone. It's a great way to stay organized. And on rainy days you can flip through old ones and it's like reading your own life story! So, what's the moral? Cool people carry planners!

I've decided that for my next planner, I think I'm going pink!

1 comment:

Layla said...

What!? You are just going to switch planners! After all that last year you are ready to plunge into a whole new planner, new color! I am SHOCKED!!!!! lol