Several of my friends and family have officially labeled me 'insane' and 'a career student'. Here's why- I just graduated with my bachelor's from Mississippi State (go bulldogs!) and decided to jump head first into graduate school.
Everyone told me to wait, take a year off, focus on my career, and just give myself a break. Did I listen? Unfortunately no. My poor husband is afraid I'm going to be in school the rest of my life! This being that I'm now going for my master's and am seriously thinking about then getting my specialist. So, two big events were scheduled in my day planner (blog on this coming soon) to take place this week. First, I started back to school on Monday, and tomorrow I'm schedule to take the GRE.
I'm taking two classes this month and one next month. So, for my Monday class we have to read two books a week. At first I thought, no problem, I'm already doing that now. Wrong! These are not my interesting Amish books- the two I'm required to read now are posted on this page. I'll update my current reads each week for those who are interested. For my second class I'm required to read two books and write this huge paper. I was thinking the book reading would be no problem- I'd use two of the books I'll have to read from the other class. Sounds sly right? It was until Dr. M informed us that we cannot do that. I whole heartedly believe she can read my mind! After only two classes I'm really beginning to wonder if I'm cut out to get a master's degree. It's tough because we're having to cram 3 months of work into only one! I can see already that grad school might just get the best of me! However, due to the high gas prices, MSU has cut back on our days. I was supposed to go M,T,W,and TH. Now, I only have to go on Mondays and Tuesdays! That was generous!
So, tomorrow I'm taking the dreaded GRE. Now, technically this was supposed to be done
before I entered grad school. But, I found a loop hole. I entered as unclassified- couldn't decide between counseling and elementary ed. Well, I decided on the latter so now I must take this four hour long test to officially be entered into the El. Ed. program. There is a good side to this! My tradition for test taking (and there have been several over the years) is that once I'm finished I always get Krispy Kreme chocolate glazed with sprinkles doughnuts! Yummo! Now, my only problem is this- I'm not sure if Hattiesburg, MS has a Krispy Kreme shop! I do have a backup plan- if there isn't a Krispy Kreme shop (as was the case last November for the Praxis 2) then I'll get a Carmel Macchiatto from Joe Muggs! Either way, I believe I deserve a treat!