Wednesday, May 28

Watermelon Time

I feel like I have been neglecting the blog a bit lately, but when I say things have been crazy, I'm not exaggerating. Actually, more like crazy good. The Lord has showered us with blessing after blessing these last two weeks and I cannot wait to share them with you! Things are pretty exciting in our little world these days.

I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon with other bloggers and start posting a 'Wordless Wednesday' blog- which translates into a picture of something noteworthy we've been up to. Technically, this isn't a wordless Wednesday post since I've blabbed a bit, but oh well.

Anywho, would you look at that sweet face! Priss loves watermelon and she has come close to eating her weight in the stuff this week. Yummy! And yes, the best way to give your toddler watermelon is on the back porch in nothing but undies :) Messy stuff, but oh so good!

Big bite!

Check back tomorrow for the recap on our first dance recital, then Friday I'm back to link up with another Friday Five edition.

Happy Wednesday!
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