Tuesday, May 6

Fruit of the Spirit, Devotional Prayer, and 31 Days of Prayer Journals

There is a whole lot happening in this picture! Having just finished the 31 Day Bible Challenge, I am hungering for more of Jesus. I thought I would enjoy having an extra 3 hours or so each day, but they are filled up again with more time in study and prayer.

Yesterday I started Living Beyond Yourself by Beth Moore. God has continuously been bringing up the fruits of the Spirit with me for some time now. I cannot wait to see how He is planning to mold me during this study.

Prayer time is something I've been wanting to focus more on lately. I have had a couple of friends mention how great the Whispers of Hope by Beth Moore devotional was for them. It's 10 weeks of devotional prayer time and I cannot wait for Jesus to meet me each morning during this time of fellowship.

Last, but biggest of all, is the 31 Days of A Mother's Prayers I am working through via email with the ever sweet Hannah Duff. It started on May 1 and every day we are praying for our children based on certain areas of their life {i.e. refuge, physical development, impacting the world, etc..}. I decided to do three prayer journals in all, one for my sweet Mary Grace, and the other two are for babies arriving via friends and family. It's been a sweet time of prayer for these precious children. Hannah and her husband are expecting their first child, Eli, soon and she wanted to join together fellow mommies in a month of prayer. You don't have to be expecting to join the fun, as I am certainly not. I plan to do one for the child 'growing in our hearts' that we hope to receive via adoption one day. If you are interested, she is posting them daily on her blog, instagram, or you can message her and she will email them to you daily {as I am doing}.

That's it for today!
Happy Tuesday!

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