One item on my Spring Break to-do list was plant flowers and tomatoes. For a while I thought the rain would never go away, but alas, today was full of beautiful sunshine. Honeydo and I spent lunchtime running errands around Meridian. Our last stop was Wal-Mart to pick up some gardening supplies. On the list of items to pick up was:
- A couple of 'Big Boy' tomato plants.
- A watering can
- Flowers to go around the mailbox
- Large pots to hold tomatoes
- Potting Soil
- Miracle Grow
Wish me luck!
One year I tried growing tomatoes in a pot on our back deck.... the plant produced one measly tomato before keeling over. I later received advice from 'true gardeners'..... they said my pot was too little. So, I decided to give it another try- today I found a pot so large I could sit in it. Ha!
Here are some pictures of our hard work! Tomorrow we're off to the co-op to get some 'Running Jew' plants to put by our front door. I'll post more pics tomorrow...
Dragonsnaps planted around our mailbox.
I'm dreaming of some delicious tomato sandwiches this Summer.
Please, don't fail me again!
The Great Paula Deen once said "Any true Southern woman should be able to grow her own tomatoes". I've let Paula down on this before, hopefully this year I will make her proud! ;)
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