During my Spring Break I finished up two books: one was somewhat enjoyable while the other was captivating.

I finished
Lucifer's Flood by Linda Rios Brook Monday afternoon- this was the somewhat enjoyable book. It was an interesting perspective on the book of Genesis, but it wasn't the most captivating book I've ever read. It was a different approach to reading about the book of Genesis- especially for me because I've always struggled with the Old Testament. Although I'm not sure I agree with some of the ideas portrayed in the book, it was stirring to read another person's view on the topic. I wasn't too pleased with the ending, but it left an opening for a sequel. If a sequel does indeed come out I'll pick it up out of curiosity- I'm the type of reader where, even if I don't enjoy a book, once I start reading it- however dull- I have to finish it. My OCD, perfectionism, and will to finish what I start is to blame.
Here is a synopsis of the book:
From the perspective of a fallen angel, Brook creates a world where angels and demons battle for dominion over the newly created earth. You have read about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, but have you ever considered the origins of the Nephilim of Genesis 6 or why the birth of Moses made the demons so angry? Part intriguing theological exploration, part swash-buckling supernatural thriller, Lucifer's Flood is a narrative journey from creation to the birth of Moses. Join Brook as she weaves a tale of what could have occurred behind the scenes of familiar biblical stories, taking you from the glittering reaches of heaven to the murky depths of Lucifer's lair.
The story is based on a fallen angel who first, mistakenly, sided with Lucifer and then later regretted his decision. He begins writing an account of what he experienced and the biblical actions that took place in Genesis, up until the time of Moses.
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