Tuesday, March 31
I can't help it.
I'm a woman..... need I say more?
Today I popped in my favorite nail salon and had a manicure/pedicure to help myself relax. It was soothing to my soul to sit and read my newest book, The Boleyn Inheritance, have my feet massaged, my back massaged, and sip a great cappucino!
Okay, back to reality!
Afterwards, I visited my favorite shoe store. Big mistake! It's a hole in the wall store, but you can get amazing deals on yellow box, volatile, crocs, sperry's, BCBG's, and much more. I have yet to manage leaving without a new pair of shoes!
True to form I picked up two new pair. Including today's purchases, I've aquired seven new pairs of shoes in the last three weeks! I'm out of control! Ha!
Monday, March 23
Sunday, March 22
Spoiled By Spring Break
With everything in me I confess that I do not want to go back to work! The warm weather, sunshine, and company of my husband has me dreaming of summer break! This summer I'll have three full months off- from May 29 till August 28! I cannot wait!
I don't mind going to work. In fact, I whole-heatedly love my job, my school, and my students! But now that Spring has arrived, I'd much rather be at home piddling around in my flowers, tomatoes, or hanging out with my Daddy and enjoying the warm weather and sunshine.
I'm now dreaming of those hot summer days filled with tomato sandwiches, fresh watermelon from my Daddy's garden, homemade ice cream, going to the races, vacationing at the beach, flip flops, having more time to read, and everything else that Summer entails.
Let the countdown begin!
Movie Critiques
Here's a preview.....
Here's a preview....
The Other Boleyn Girl was, by far, my favorite! It stirred me to read the book, and now I'm obsessed! Although I must warn you that the movie is actually quite different than the book- I found the book much, much better.
I plan on buying the DVD this coming week.
I'm reading the sequel, The Boleyn Inheritance, and there is talk of a movie coming out soon. I hope Eric Bana is again cast as the king. I couldn't find when it's set to premier- hopefully soon!
The Other Boleyn Girl - -My New Obsession
I blogged about renting movies to watch over Spring Break. One of them was The Other Boleyn Girl. I watched it eight times! Tuesday, after finishing Lucifer's Flood, I bought the book The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory.
I must say that Philippa Gregory's series around King Henry VIII's reign has kicked my sweet little Amish obsession's butt! I cannot get enough! I devoured The Other Boleyn Girl and have already started on the next book, The Boleyn Inheritance. The books take you far away to another time realm where it's easy to lose yourself and track of time.
King Henry had six wives and Philippa's series revolves around them. You could read the books in order of his wives. The first being Katherine of Aragon, then Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Katherine Howard, and finally Catherine Parr.
Philippa Gregory's books about King Henry VIII's wives:
The Constant Princess - this is about Katherine of Aragon, Henry's first wife.
The Other Boleyn Girl- told from Mary's perspective, Anne Boleyn's sisters.
The Boleyn Inheritance - based on Henry's last three wives: Anne of Cleves, Katherine Howard, and Catherine Parr
The Virgin's Lover - based on Queen Elizabeth I's reign- she was Anne Boleyn's daughter.

I highly recommend The Other Boleyn Girl. It is ranked as one of my all time favorites- second only to Redeeming Love.
Two sisters competing for the greatest prize: the love of a king.
A rich and compelling novel of love, sex, ambition, and intrigue, The Other Boleyn Girl introduces a woman of extraordinary determination and desire who lived at the heart of the most exciting and glamorous court in Europe and survived by following her heart.When Mary Boleyn comes to court as an innocent girl of fourteen, she catches the eye of Henry VIII. Dazzled, Mary falls in love with both her golden prince and her growing role as unofficial queen. However, she soon realizes just how much she is a pawn in her family's ambitious plots as the king's interest begins to wane and she is forced to step aside for her best friend and rival: her sister, Anne. Then Mary knows that she must defy her family and her king and take her fate into her own hands.
Lucifer's Flood
From the perspective of a fallen angel, Brook creates a world where angels and demons battle for dominion over the newly created earth. You have read about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, but have you ever considered the origins of the Nephilim of Genesis 6 or why the birth of Moses made the demons so angry? Part intriguing theological exploration, part swash-buckling supernatural thriller, Lucifer's Flood is a narrative journey from creation to the birth of Moses. Join Brook as she weaves a tale of what could have occurred behind the scenes of familiar biblical stories, taking you from the glittering reaches of heaven to the murky depths of Lucifer's lair.
The story is based on a fallen angel who first, mistakenly, sided with Lucifer and then later regretted his decision. He begins writing an account of what he experienced and the biblical actions that took place in Genesis, up until the time of Moses.
Tuesday, March 17
Spring Fever
One item on my Spring Break to-do list was plant flowers and tomatoes. For a while I thought the rain would never go away, but alas, today was full of beautiful sunshine. Honeydo and I spent lunchtime running errands around Meridian. Our last stop was Wal-Mart to pick up some gardening supplies. On the list of items to pick up was:
- A couple of 'Big Boy' tomato plants.
- A watering can
- Flowers to go around the mailbox
- Large pots to hold tomatoes
- Potting Soil
- Miracle Grow
Wish me luck!
One year I tried growing tomatoes in a pot on our back deck.... the plant produced one measly tomato before keeling over. I later received advice from 'true gardeners'..... they said my pot was too little. So, I decided to give it another try- today I found a pot so large I could sit in it. Ha!
Here are some pictures of our hard work! Tomorrow we're off to the co-op to get some 'Running Jew' plants to put by our front door. I'll post more pics tomorrow...
Dragonsnaps planted around our mailbox.
I'm dreaming of some delicious tomato sandwiches this Summer.
Please, don't fail me again!
Friday, March 13
Movies, Merlot, and Much Needed ME Time
Let me explain.
People who work with kids for any length of time begin to notice how certain forces affect children in a negative way- thus causing the adults who work with them to venture onto the brink of insanity.
Today there were many forces working against me.
- Today is Friday. Nuf said!
- Not only is it Friday, it's Friday the 13th.
- Today was a blue jean Friday. This was like adding gasoline to a raging fire!
- It's raining. There is sufficient research to suggest that weather does affect the behavior of children. I figured this much out within my first 2 weeks of teaching!
- It's the last day of school before we're out for Spring Break.
My kiddos were absolute horrid! I love my sweet peas dearly....
But, I'm ready for time away from the 'pea pod'!
So, next week I'm out on Spring Break. I didn't think I'd survive this week...but miraculously I made it through. Not quite as sane as I once was, but hey, I'm not complaining!
After the day I had, I'm in dire need of The 3 Magic M's.
Much Needed Me Time!
After having an early supper with my good friend, Chickadee, we headed to blockbuster. I decided on three movies I've been wanting to see, but until now haven't had time. I really wanted to see them in theaters, but that's a blog for another day.
- I Am Legend. Not really a chick-flick, I know. But I watched the beginning and was sucked into it. Couldn't finish it so it's been on my mind for weeks now. I've got to know how it ends!
- Becoming Jane. I love Jane Austin, so I'm excited to watch this one. This is definitely a chick flick!
- The Other Boleyn Girl. Another chick flick I can't wait to watch.
I plan of spreading them out. I'll watch I Am Legend a few times tonight. Becoming Jane will rule my Saturday. Sunday seems like a perfect day to watch The Other Boleyn Girl at least a dozen times. =)
I also picked up a nice bottle of Merlot (my favorite), and some calorie-rich snack foods. Hey, if I'm going to go out, might as well go all out!
Now I'm off to enjoy The 3 Magic M's. Once I'm through with them, the world will be right again!
On a side note- I finally, finally settled on new coffee tables. Honeydo set them up last night. I'm in love! I ordered our couch last week, it's supposed to be delivered around Wednesday of next week. I can't wait! Tomorrow I have to go pick up the new chair and ottoman. I can't wait to start putting it all together!
Stay tuned for a blog on the new living room re-do coming soon.... until then, here's a preview to tide you over! ;)

Sunday, March 8
My 100th Post
How fitting that my 100th post is about one of my favorite Springtime delights......

After all, it's 'The Lobster of the South'!
My Daddy and I love Spring because that's when we get to chow down on some crawfish. We usually go to Bimbo's restaurant (yes, that's actually the name of the place!) for the 'all you can eat' crawfish special. (They lose money on us because we can stay and eat for a good 2 hours!). Unfortunately, they haven't had any yet and my Dad and I couldn't wait any longer. I tried a place in Butler called Bama Crawfish.... they were delicious. I purchased 6 pounds- and by the time we finished, there wasn't a crawfish left! We spent about an hour chowing down on some good ol' Bama Crawfish!
It doesn't end there.
Next Saturday, Daddy and I are going to the huge Crawfish Festival in Meridian. All you can eat crawfish, live music, free pepsi, and a good time! I'll definitely post pictures of the event! I'm looking forward to spending the day with just me and my Daddy- doing what we love! Eating!
Mmmmm..... my mouth is watering just thinking about it!
That reminds me.... I need to go and get my ticket for the festival.
Saturday, March 7
Sun-Kissed Skin
Well......It's that time of year to break out the cute Spring clothes and sport sun-kissed skin.
I wore a dress to work yesterday and felt as white as flour! =)
I've been debating on whether or not to get a spray tan. I'm definitely not hitting the tanning bed, so I felt that was my only option. I called around and found a place I felt I could trust.
The catch.... It's $30 a pop. Not bad, huh? Well, they said the tan wears off after 5-7 days, so in order to keep it I would have to go once a week.
That would cost about $120 a month. No way, Jose!
Dilemma solved.
Yesterday while picking up art supplies for my kiddos for next week, I decided to check out the self tanners. I've used the Jergen's Natural Glow before- but HATED the stinky smell it had.
I decided on the Dove Energy Glow self-tanner. I tried it last night and it was odorless. No stinky smell! I could put in on in the mornings and feel comfortable that I don't stink all day! I woke up this morning and could tell a difference. I'm giving it a try....so far I like it!

Fabulous Spring Finds
Nonetheless, I found some cute Spring pieces yesterday.

I actually found these at New York and Co.

The Editor Crop Pant by Express in black.
I purchased this pant in black and khaki.

I can't wait to wear these!
They fit great and last forever! So, it's no wonder I fell hard the the Editor Crop!
I'm ready for Spring!