1. Travel. This year I'm definitely going to travel as much as I can. Hopefully, we can have at least one get-away-from-it-all weekend at least once a month. Places that have made my travel list are: the beach this Summer, the mountains in the Fall, and Vicksburg and their fabulous B&B's anytime in between. I would love to visit New York next December!

2. Learn to play the Cello. This has been on my 'Life Goals' list for about 3 years now. I'm finally at a point in my life where I can pursue it. I've played a couple of other musical instruments in the past but I've always been captivated by the Cello. I called around and found a lady who gives lessons in Meridian. I cannot wait to get started on this! It's what I'm calling 'my birthday gift to myself'!

3. Paint. I've been doing a lot more of this lately. When I was younger it was one of my favorite hobbies. I've drifted away from it over the past few years. I recently rediscovered my love for it. I've found it to be very calming and a great stress reliever (which I've been in dire need of lately). Plus, lately I've painted some fabulous pieces for my home!
4. Run a marathon. 2008 was a great year for my running efforts. I had wanted to run a race but ended up not going due to business of work/school (this is my new excuse for everything these days!). I'm browsing around and looking for a great race sometime this summer (I'll be off work and not quite as busy). To go along with this, on Monday I'm going to join the JARMC gym. I've been a member before but dropped it. I prefer to run outside- I LOATHE treadmills. But, I figured I could use it when it's cold, raining, or hot outside ( times I'm most likely to bail out!). So, I'll have no excuse! Plus, I'll have a buddy to go with me to the gym!

5. Take a pottery class. I've been wanting to do this for quite a while. My great friend and kindred spirit, T, and I have talked about doing this together. MCC offers classes and I'm considering signing up for this Spring or Summer. I'm also interested in taking a Photography class. I planning to sign up for one offered at MCC this Summer.

When I asked my husband if he had 5 things he wanted to do this year, this is what he said......
1. Go to the Races
2. Got to the Races even more.....
3. Race some more....
4. Race some more again...
5. Race, Race, Race
haha Typical man! So, according to Bobby, what are we going to do in 2009? RACE!
1 comment:
cool resolutions!
did you know i "used" to be a cellist? i played for 8 years in grade school and then took 1 semester in college. beautiful instrument, but i'm biased too =)
oh and by the way, i soooo wish we'd run the Race for the Cure. i'd say that's probably something i'll regret because i really wanted to run a race while preggers. you'll have to keep me updated on the races you plan to do for 2009, hopefully i'll be able to get back up to speed!
Happy New Year Girl!
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