Monday, January 19

My Special Day

My Space Or Yours?.net

Well, today I turned the big 23- gosh I'm getting old! It's weird to think that I'm now the age my husband was when we met...... I remember when we first met, I thought, 'Gosh he's OLD'!
And now here I am!
Perhaps in this life we're like fine wine- getting better as time goes by!
Hmm....maybe I am getting 'sweeter' with age! ;)

So, how did I spend my fabulous birthday weekend? Well, Friday after work my mom and I went out to eat at Outback. When she asked what I wanted I replied 'An electric blanket'! It's been FREEZING lately! Yeah, I know I'm getting old when I ask for things like that for my birthday! Saturday I went to Meridian and purchased my gift to myself (see previous blog) and then headed to the gym for a while. Sunday, Bobby and I went out to dinner for my birthday and then shopped around town. Today (my actual birthday) I lounged in the recliner with my electric blanket and watched the marathon run of 'Jon & Kate + 8' while I read their new book, Multiple Bles8ings. I stayed in my PJ's all day =) This evening I went to see my Daddy. He got me a new big wooden cutting board I had picked out at BedBathBeyond. Yes, I actually asked for a cutting board for my birthday- yet another example of just how old I'm getting ;)

Now, I'm off to take a quick shower and watch the new episode of Jon & Kate + 8. I'm addicted to them!

Overall I had a nice, quiet, relaxing three day birthday weekend! Tomorrow, it's back to school for me! Hey, at least it's only a four day work week =)

Happy Birthday To Me!


{Amanda} said...

Happy Birthday Sylvia! =)

And PUHHHLEASE do not say that 23 is old...sheesh, you're making me feel ancient now!

Sounds like you've had a great Birthday weekend & all your goodies sound like fun.

Cheers to another great year!

Sylvia Grace said...

Thanks! Yeah, I think I'm doing good for an 'old' lady! ;) Just kidding!