I came across this little jewel this morning and had to share it.
This is my first year as VBS Director, and although I've worked VBS at our church for years, it's quite different being the one managing it all.
In fact, it can be a bit overwhelming.
Okay, very overwhelming.
Our VBS kicks off on Sunday, May 31, and our classes run June 1-5.
Ya'll... that's only a few weeks away! I cannot even begin to list all the must-dos that are hovering over me. And what's more- school is getting out {which is like a frenzy anyway} and then in the middle of it all we are moving.
Moving as in we have to be out in just a couple of weeks.
Moving. School ending. Mission Trip Fundraising. VBS decorations/scheduling/meetings/t-shirt sales.... Oh my!
So.... if I seem a bit frazzled... just remember to lift me up in prayer!
I cannot ask for prayers without giving praises! The Lord has blessed me with THE most amazing assistant director ever. Like EVER. In fact I only agreed to tackle this job if she would stand beside me through it all. I honestly do not know what I would do without my sweet M. She is a prayer warrior, always seeks the Lord, keeps calm, and displays grace in everything she does.
In those moments when I am freaking out over how many bandanas I need for the VBS retreat- she keeps me calm. Or when I ask her what I should do about something- she always says pray and see what the Lord wants you to do. She is constantly helping me focus on 'the main thing' and reminds me why we are doing this mission outreach in the first place.
So... if you are interested in getting involved in VBS- I know the perfect little small town country church where we will welcome you in and declare you family before you know what happened!
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