Even more than I hate being sick, I hate seeing my sweet baby and husband sick.
Our little family has officially been hit by the dreaded flu. The little one woke up at 2 am Thursday morning with a 103 fever. It was all down hill from there. The hubby took her in that morning and she indeed had the flu- along with strep throat. We got a whopping 4 hours of sleep Thursday night which made for one very cranky toddler {and Mommy}. Just when sweet pea was finally starting to make a turn for the better, my dear husband woke up sick Saturday morning.
Ya'll, I'm not sure what is worse: a sick baby, or a sick husband.
I came home Thursday and did not leave my house until this morning- I just had to get some fresh air and space. So, my partner and I did a short run this morning with the fun 5:02 group and that has done wonders for my mental state!
I looks like I will be doctoring my two sick loves again today. Please pray their fevers break and they finally start turning around.
And please pray that Mommy- aka Doctor/Nurse/Cook/Disinfecter- doesn't get sick, too.
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