Of all the years in my life, 2014 has by far gone by the fastest. It doesn’t feel like 12 months since I wrote my
2013 Adieu post.
When I read it back, I was excited for what I’ve achieved this year,
humbled by the support I’ve received from all of you out there, and yes
there’s a little disappointment for the things that I didn’t quite get
But life is a work in progress, so 2015 will be more of the same.
This time last year I was so excited for a fresh, new year. Odd years always seem to be the tougher years in my life, so I was excited to say goodbye to 2013.
2014 was am amazing year for myself and my little family. So many blessings were showered down upon us and I feel we grew leaps and bounds in so many way. I was a SAHM for most of the year and enjoyed soaking up those precious days at home with my little lovebug. We put our house on the market and began praying about adoption. I went on my first mission trip, which was life changing. God opened a door at an amazing school that puts Him first- a place that nourishes me professionally
and spiritually. I was blessed with precious, new friendships. My best friend welcomed her sweet daughter into the world.
2014 is among my favorite years so far.
And although odd numbers haven't always been my best, I feel this electricity in the air and I know that 2015 will be an amazing year.
We have so many exciting 'happies' that are heading our way this year and I cannot wait to experience all that this year has to offer.
Happy New Year, Lovelies!
May 2015 be your best year yet!