Sunday, December 14

Gluten Free Christmas Yummies

I'm going to be completely honest and open in this post- so please be kind in your comments.

I hate dread school parties, birthday parties, church activites....

My  baby has Celiac Disease- which in the most simplest terms, means she cannot consume anything with wheat, barley or rye {or anything that could be contaminated with those 3 dirty words- such as being manufactured in a plant that produces gluten products}.

You cannot begin to fathom how many everyday products contain gluten. Forget foods, even some soaps and chap sticks contain gluten. No, I don't by the $3 EOS chap sticks because I want to- they are the only ones that are gluten free.

Each month we spend on average $150 a week to feed our two year old breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the 5 day school week.

That's $600 a month. On just her food. That doesn't include what my husband and I eat- because typically, we eat ramen noodles and doritios. Truth.

I've prayed for peace. In those moments when I'm in the grocery store and want to just break down, I remind myself of this: My baby is a normal, healthy, happy girl. I know there are parents out there who wish all they had to do in order for their child to be healthy is buy gluten free foods. I'm thankful we are blessed and can afford to live a gluten free life.

I am blessed, and ironically Celiac reminds me just how much.

But all that aside, we are finally managing to keep our head above water in the gluten free world. We've found foods that sweet pea will actually eat, accumulated gluten free recipes we all can enjoy, and we've mastered the art of knowing where to find gluten free things we need.

We never go out to dinner- and if we do, we have two choices. One of which is Chic-fil-a. Did you know they have their own 'gluten free' menu- you just have to ask for it :)

And then comes what we cannot control. Social events.

When we go to birthday parties, we bring ice cream cups for everyone- since MG cannot eat most of the yummies typically found at parties.

When the church has events, we bring MG her own 'special' foods :)

But school parties are my undoing. I'll admit- I shed many tears on the days before and after MG's Halloween Party at school. So many moms made such cute 'Pinteresty' snacks that the little ones adored, but my sweet girl couldn't indulge.

She's two. She doesn't understand why. One day she will, but right now she feels left out and gets so frustrated and angry. She thinks we are just being mean.

And ya'll, it rips my heart open. Every. Single. Time.

I'm tossing around ideas for her birthday party. The cake topic hurts. If I did manage to find someone who could make a gluten free cake, the cost would be outrageous. For example, one  box of cake mix {which makes about 6-8 cupcakes} is easily $6 and up.

My sweet husband suggested ordering an ice cream cake, so that's the route we will take.

Back to the party thing- when I walked in the school a couple of weeks ago and saw the signs for the Christmas parties, I immediately thought about just keeping her home that day.

But more than not wanting her to feel left out, I do not want Celiac to keep her from enjoying life.

So, I've once again shed tears and tried to decide what to do. Being honest, the gluten free cakes etc are not that good. I mean, Mary Grace doesn't know the difference, but the rest of the world does- including her classmates. I wanted her to be able to contribute cute, festive treats that her classmates would love as well! Thank goodness for Pinterest. Along with bringing what we signed up for {chips, dips, ice cream cups} I found these super cute {and cheap/easy} ideas that my sweet girl will LOVE bringing to school for her friends :)

Marshmallow Snowmen

 Berry Merry Marshmallow Santas

 Snowman Cupcakes {will use Betty Crocker's Gluten Free Devils Food Cake mix for cupcakes}

We have two Christmas parties this coming week. Her ballet class will have their little party on Tuesday evening, and then her class party at Patrician is on Thursday. 
Now that I have a plan in place, I'm actually looking forward to them. Which is a big deal. A very big deal.

Thanks for 'listening' as I poured out my frustrations. 

Here's to enjoying the season's festivities!
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