If you've been following The Small Town Life much lately, then you know that my blog is now a regular column in our local newspaper - The Choctaw Sun Advocate.
During the busyness of our beach vacation, I wasn't able to get my column up and emailed to my editor in time for publication. So, last week The Small Town Life column was on hiatus.
My little one is sick and during the hustle and bustle of doctors visits and a late night trip to the ER, I didn't get a chance to pick up a paper yesterday.
I'm glad that I didn't get my paper yesterday. See, while running an errand at the post office this morning, a sweet little lady recognized me as 'The Small Town Life' girl. Her compliments of my column were the ray of sunshine my day needed.
Thank you. I didn't catch your name, but your encouraging words are some I will not soon forget.
This sweet lady was actually returning a paper that was misplaced in her mailbox by accident. She opened up the paper to look at my column for the week {Jesus Wrecked My Life}.
That's why I love my small town life. If your paper is accidentally put in someone else's box, even though some consider it a small thing, you can rest assured that it will be sent back {in this case, hand delivered to the post office for proper return}.
The lady mentioned the weekly Soundoff and how someone had commented about my column. For those of you who are unfamiliar with our small town paper, we have a Soundoff section. It's sort of like facebook in print where people vent about their concerns and frustrations.
Needless to say I cringed at the thought of what someone had written for the Soundoff section. My glass-half-empty mind immediately feared the worst. Oh, was I wrong. Nestled among the usual complaints, was a little piece of love just for me.
Thank you. I will never know who wrote this, but thank you. Your sweet comment warmed my soul and reminded me why I took on this column.
To inspire. To teach. To encourage. To share my journey in the hopes that it may in some way benefit you.
Thank you.
And I promise, The Small Town Life isn't going anywhere.
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