Here is today's Friday Five {Easter Edition}.
{One} He is Risen
I have been preparing my heart for Easter for several weeks. This year the magnitude of His sacrifice for me has hit me more than years before. I cannot wait to celebrate my King!
{Two} Family Time
We are spending Saturday with my grandparents at the Grimes family camp house {which is my favorite place on Earth}. We are having a fish fry and egg hunt, along with lots of good old fashioned family time. After Sunday services, we are hosting a simple little Easter get-together at our house. Nothing fancy, just a fun time to spend with family and watch the kiddos play.

{Three} Resurrection Cake
I thought about doing the resurrection rolls with Mary Grace, but decided to wait until she's older and can help more with the process. I browsed Pinterest and found this cute little 'Empty Tomb Cake' which I will be attempting to duplicate. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
{Four} Easter Attire
We will be sporting hues of blue this year. Mary Grace has an adorable little blue linen dress by The Bailey Boys, I have a cute light blue floral dress, and the hubs will be sporting a blue dress shirt. Yes, I'm the Momma that insists we coordinate.
{Five} Easter Basket Goodies
We decided to make Easter more about Jesus than the bunny. One way we did this was by filling her Easter basket with things related to Christ, or things that will help bring her closer to the One that this holiday is truly about. I had been on the lookout for good devotionals that I could do with Mary Grace during our morning prayer time. I considered Jesus Calling for Kids, but it was a little too advanced. So when I came across these from Veggie Tales, it was a must. Add to that three new Veggie Tale movies, resurrection eggs to hunt, and of course chocolate and candy, and I think Mary Grace will be one excited little girl!
Happy Easter!
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