Oh, my Love, I cannot fathom how quickly time has passed. You are officially two, my dear, and the days of babyhood are long passed. I can't believe you have been in our life for two years, yet we cannot imagine a world without you in it. You know you are a big girl now, and anytime someone asks how old you are, you hold up two hands and squeal TWO! You are such a shining ray of sunshine, my dear, and you bring us all such happiness. No matter how many years may pass, you will always be our darling baby girl.
Here are some fun little tidbits about your sweet little self.
Miss Chatty Cathy. When I looked back at your one year update, one of the biggest changes has been your vocabulary. Rarely are you a girl of few words. You are talking so much more, and more clearly, than even just a couple of months ago. You have moved on from one word answers, and are gabbing whole sentences. Your most used expressions are "Momma, hold it", "Loo-Loo no boom boom {Louie is scared of thunder}, "Thank you","Jegus lub me" {Jesus loves me}, "Daddy at work", "I wanna swing", "I wanna slide", "Go ride", "I want dog-dog and cheese" {translation: I want a hotdog and mac-n-cheese}, "I want a tucker" {sucker}, " I can roll", "I go dant "{dance}, and many many more.
Our Little Songbird. You love, love, love to sing and insist on having music playing at all times. Your favorite song to sing is "Jesus Loves Me". You will say "Momma, ting {sing}" and if I sing anything other than Jesus Loves Me, you will say "No, ting Jegus {sing Jesus}. Hearing your little voice sing always makes my soul smile.
Yummy To Your Tummy. You are a girl who knows what she wants, and you don't hesistate to voice your likes and dislikes. Anytime we ask what you want to eat, it's always the same response, "I want dog-dog and cheese". You definitely know what you like. Here is a quick little rundown of your favorite yummies.
Breakfast: bananas, scrambled eggs with cheese, cheese toast, fruit loop cereal, cheese grits, oatmeal, and then we have a strawberry-banana smoothie every morning together.
Lunch: Hot dogs, pizza roll-ups, grilled cheese sandwich, PB&J sandwich, mac-n-cheese {the shells kind}, ravioli, spaghetti-o's, pizza.
Dinner: You usually eat whatever Daddy and I cook, but your faves include: butter beans, garden peas, corn, Pizza, cheesy chicken and rice casserole, fried chicken, beef stew {you love the potatoes and carrots}, french fries.
Snacks: Welch's Fruit Snack gummies, strawberries/bananas, cheetoh puffs, cheese-its, goldfish, apples drizzled in caramel.
Drinks: whole milk, V8 Fruit fusions, fruit flavored water, Yoohoo strawberry milks, Capri-Sun, apple juice boxes.
Let's Talk Gluten. Gluten is not your strong point. We try to limit your gluten intake, and buy gluten free as much as possible. Your little tummy lets us know when you've eaten gluten, and I hate that this is a battle for you. Still, we are thankful it is something that can be controlled. As long you avoid gluten as much as possible, you are a normal, happy, healthy two year old.
Little Fashionista. You are currently in 24 month size clothing, although we have a few pieces that are 18 months and still fit. We struggle with pants because you are so tall and lean- so if we buy 18 months they fit you in the waist but not in length, and if we buy 24 months they fall off of you but fit in length. Needless to say, I have to take up almost all of your pant/short waists. When you are my age, you will be thankful you are long and lean :)
You have taken a big interest in what you wear. You would change clothes every hour if I let you. Digging through your dresser and finding somthing 'pretty', as you say, is your favorite thing to do. And don't get me started on your shoe obsession. I think Daddy knows he is going to be in big trouble when you hit the teen years :) I'm looking forward to many shopping days ahead of us.
You are even vocal about your hair style. Sometimes you say 'bow' and then other times you insist on 'piggas' {piggy tails}. You, my dear, are a handful. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Our Busy Little Bee. You are always on the go and I wish I had just a smidge of your energy. You love being outdoors and I am so thankful we have a covered porch- it's a life saver. You love swinging and sliding on your new swingset, strolling around the lake, feeding the fish, chasing Louie, watering flowers with me in the evenings, collecting rocks, watching for birds {you love seeing the hummingbirds on the back porch}. Indoor favorites include play-doh fun, reading books, playing with your babies {you are a little momma, my dear}, drawing/coloring, singing/dancing. You don't watch much TV, but your favorites are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Doc McStuffins, Little Einsteins, the Disney classics {Cinderalla, The Jungle Book, Nemo} and your newest favorite is Sheriff Callie. You LOVE the movie Marley and Me and insist of watching it most afternoons. I have to fast-forward to the parts with the puppy and you just giggle away.
Little Miss Socialite. You know who you like, and who you don't. You are not big on people you're not familiar with, and it takes you a while to warm up to new people. That said, you love your friends. Church and Bible study are your favorites because you get to see your sweet friend Timothy {our pastor's little boy who is three days younger than you}. You are a very mellow kid, and you usually prefer to do your own thing or watch others. You are not aggressive in the slightest, and when someone takes a toy you have, you never cry/fuss/try to take it back. You just shrug it off and move on to something else. People comment on how quiet you are, especially at dance/gymnastics class, but we find it hilarious because around us you are such a busy, talkative little thing.
Milestones. You have changed so much this past year. You started walking last summer, you talk so much more, you are definitely more independent, and the biggest accomplishment is that you are officially potty trained! You have been going potty since about 18 months old, but we finally put you in big girl panties about two weeks before your second birthday. You are oh so smart, and we are constantly surprised by just how much your really do know. You've cut all of your teeth, except your three year molars. You've had so many firsts like swimming, your first haircut, and your first pedicures {both by me and at a salon}.
This year has brought so much joy and happiness as we've watched you blossom into such a beautiful little girl. You are a child of God and we are humbled that He chose to send you to us. This is just a smidgen of what your are up to these days. There are so many more sweet memories we have from this past year, and I cannot wait to share them with you one day, just between us.
We love you, toodles!
Daddy and Mommy
Here are a few of my favorite moments of you from this past year.
Playing in your new sandbox after your first birthday party |
Yummy! Pizza is your favorite! |
First time to have your nails painted |
Swimming is one of your favorite things! |
A day swinging at the park. |
Helping mommy cook spaghetti |
First ice cream cone at the park. Yummo! |
Sweet kisses |
Pool fun! |
Fourth of July |
Ice Cream and Fireworks on the Fourth of July |
Trip to Callaway Gardens |
Swimming with sweet cousins |
Back porch fun! |
Watching Cinderalla with lovey horsey |
Popsicles! |
18 month pictures with Mommy |
You love Louie so much :) |
Halloween as Mary, Mother of Jesus |
Decorating the Christmas tree and sipping hot chocolate. |
Piggy tails for the first time :) |
Christmas with Poppy and Marlene at the camphouse |
My two loves. |
Your first snow! |
Your very first dance class! |
Your last day as a one year old. |
Happy Birthday! |
On your birthday at the beach. |
You will always be Mommy's baby girl |
Ready to go to town with your baby, hair bow, and boots :) |
I love this picture of you- dirty face and all :) |
A day spent outside playing :) Even if its 80 degrees, you still love your hats! |