Friday, January 10

Friday Five {linkup}

Hello Friday! You know what that means- another fun little Friday Five linkup.

Uno. Warming Up
Hello warmer weather and sunshine! The mini and I have been cooped up indoors for far too long. Thankfully, warmer temps are arriving just in time to save my sanity.

Dos. Play Date
Speaking of warmer weather, we have a fun little play date this afternoon. Mary Grace is in dire need of some fresh air and fun. I'm looking forward to having adult conversation, too.

Tres. Caramel Macchiato Creamer
Oh my, this stuff is so good!

Cuatro. Lovely Spring Frocks
As if these freezing temperatures weren't making me dream of Spring enough, the new Kelly's Kids catalog arrived this week. I can't wait for Spring so I can dress Miss Priss in some pretty little lovelies!
Cinco. Biblical Homemaking Blog
As a new SAHM, I'm always looking for advice, insights, and fun reads to help me along this journey. I stumbled upon the BH blog a few months ago and have been an avid reader since. It is such a beautiful mix of following Jesus, raising little ones, and making your family and home the priority. If you're not a reader, you should be :)

That's all I have for today, lovelies. Now, head on over to The Sowell Life and check out other Friday Fives.

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1 comment:

Joy said...

We got a Kelly Kids mag in the mail this week too. I love all the stuff, but I'm thinking I'll wait until she is hear because I have no clue how big she is going to be this summer. And we seem to have a "few" newborn and 3-6 month outfits already. =) This yo yo weather has got to go. Stay a temp for a few weeks please! Y'all have fun with your outing! Happy Friday, and thanks for linking up. Enjoy your weekend!