Today was grocery shopping day and it just so happened to coincide with one of Mary Grace's I-Can't-Go-Anywhere-Without-My-Lovey day. Recipe for disaster in the making.
After venturing to a few stores and having a fun little lunch with the best friend at Sake Sushi, I felt we were having a pretty good day. One more stop on the list before heading home: Winn Dixie.
As I'm getting MG out of her car seat she starts whining for moo {moo is what she calls her lovey moo cow}. I suggested moo wait for us in the car, but oh no, miss priss had other plans. So in the hopes of keeping her quiet in the store and avoiding a tantrum in the parking lot, I caved and myself, Mary Grace, and moo all headed into the store.
I shopped about 45 minutes. Checked out. Loaded the groceries. Put away the buggy.
As I'm strapping the wee one in her carseat she starts whining for moo. I'm glancing around inside the car. No moo.
I thought maybe she left it in the buggy, so I get her out of the car and walk back to the buggy return looking for lovey. No moo.
Okay, maybe we dropped it on the way to the car. Retracing my steps. No moo.
Hmmm... I bet she put it in one of the grocery bags since she was digging in them while I was unloading. Fast forward 5 minutes and I've dug through every bag. No moo.
My sweet pea takes my face in her hands and says adamantly 'I want moo' and points to the store. In we go, and I ask her where is moo once inside the doors. She holds up her hands and shakes her head.
Checked with customer service to no avail. So, here we go retracing our steps through the store. TWICE. I'm looking on shelves, under racks.... no moo. Fast forward 30 minutes later and I'm at my wits end. Just as we pass the produce section and I'm contemplating leaving my name and number at the front in case moo turns up, my wee one starts going crazy. She's yelling MOOO, MOOOOOO.
Mystery solved. At some point while I was picking up onions, my little sweet one decided to toss her lovey on the top of the onion pile.
A sweet elderly gentleman saw the commotion and handed it to Mary Grace and gave me a wink. Then, I kid you not, as we were walking out the front doors, the customer service lady saw we had found precious moo and started clapping and cheering.
At this point my frozen goods are definitely thawed and I'm perfectly humiliated.
But alas, precious moo made the trip home with us safe and sound.
Hello Mommyhood on a Monday!
I still need to run to our local store to pick up meats, but I decided I'd wait until tomorrow when the hubby is home so I can go solo.
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