Once again it's time for a family vacation and my mind is starting to run through all the essential survival gear we will need for a {dare I say it} toddler. Deep breaths.
I looked through last year's list, and it was neat seeing how our essentials have changed. Looks like we will have more room in our car than last year.
I'm not sure why you would be interested, but just in case, here is the list that is currently sitting on top of our suitcases, ready for me to check off items one by one.

The Necessities
- 2 Loveies {yes, my friends, making sure we leave home with her darling lovies takes precedence over everything else}.
- Benadryl {recommended by pediatrician for motion sickness- yes, she gets it from her Mommy}
- Toddler Story Time Bible
- diapers / wipes / Boudreaux's booty paste
- 1 plastic bib
- pajamas
- daytime outfits (2 per day - one for playtime, other for evenings/outings)
- hair bows & hair brush {she has enough hair now to have bad hair days :) }
- sandals, shoes, socks
- beach bag {contains sunscreen/ little swimmers/ towels/ hats/ floaties}
- 2 blankets {Aidan+Anais bamboo blankets are the perfect summertime blanket and our favorite. Even Kate Middleton agrees as this is the blanket she wrapped up that adorable little royal bambino when introducing him to the world. Made me feel special!}
- sleep sheep {still a must}
- diaper bag with go-to items
- umbrella stroller
- toys/entertainment items/ books
- bath products {Aveeno Shampoo/Lotion/Body Wash}
- camera bag / video camera / chargers
- snacks for the ride
Happy Packing!
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