Sweet Mary Grace,
I had planned to stop doing monthly updates when you hit the one year mark. You see how well that worked out? I am horrible at keeping the baby book updated. To my defense, I have documented almost every detail of your first year right here via my online journal. When I have them printed and bound, they will serve as a baby book of sorts. Plus, lately the thought of you as a toddler has me all sentimental and I'm suddenly snapping dozens of pictures a day because I'm realizing just how fast you are growing up.
Now for all the
girly details....
Our Little Girl
You are offically a {
dare I say} toddler. You had your 15 month check up last week. You have developed what we affectionately call 'white coat syndrome'- meaning, you know what's about to take place and scream your little lungs out. You get it honest though, stories of my childhood trips for shots are legendary. You are our tiny little thing, weighing in at 20.2 pounds {10th percentile} and measuring in at 30 inches tall {34th percentile}. You are on the dainty side and must now drink pediasure daily to help with weight gain. You go back in a month for a weight check and we are hoping to either have maintained or increased in weight- otherwise it's going to be a round of dreaded bloodwork. Here's to lots of snacks, pediasure, and weight gain!
First ice cream cone at the park with Mommy and Daddy! |
Summer visit with Pop |
Watching Louie is one of your favorite past times! |
Though you are small, you are ahead in all other areas including language and motor skills. For motor skills you are walking, can toss a ball and somewhat catch it, climb anything, slide, scribble with a crayon, and you are trying to use a spoon. You have quite the vocabulary for your age and now use the following words regularly:
Mama, Bob (she refuses to say Dada, but has in the past),
nubby (lovey),
kitkit (kitty cat),
LooLoo (Louie),
yes, no, yeah, bye, look, shoes, eye, tickle tickle, this, see, bye,
neenee (nannie),
ball, go, and we've put together a phrase-
Here you go.
First trip to the park for a picnic. |

You love your big girl seat, and getting suckers from the bank tellers :) |
No Shortage of Personality
You are quite the little spitfire, my dear. The problem is that you've figured out very early exactly what you want in life, and you settle for nothing less. You've recently developed quite the little temper- which you get from your Daddy, his temper tantrums stories are ones for the books. You will throw lovey, stomp your feet, fall out crying, or even hit. Yes, I said hit. You've become a little monster in that department and are testing us daily. We are still trying to find the discipline path that works best for you, which at the moment is 'cool down time'.
You are oh so timid and absolutely will not tolerate having someone invade your personal space. You are definitely not the social butterfly, but instead prefer to play alone and watch others. Once again, a trait you can thank Daddy for passing down.You only let us and Nanny J watch you. This can cause serious problems, especially at social functions. You have only recently started staying in the nursery at church, but even that is a hit or miss.
You are a very loving child and you constantly give us hugs and kisses. You are all girl and I love it. You spend yours days being a little mama to your dolls, brushing your/my hair, playing with your costume jewelery, putting on Mommy's makeup, and helping paint your nails. You love being outside but hate to sweat, so this time of year is not your best. You obsess when your hands are dirty. I can already tell you are going to be a type A like Mommy.
first pedicure |
You, my dear, are a born dancer. No matter the beat, when a song is on you are shaking your little hinny and wiggling those adorable arms and legs. It's the cutest thing! This I love, especially since I've already inquired about the Mom & Tot dance classes in the Fall. I cannot wait to do all those girly things together. Tutus, tap shoes, and recitals, here we come! I hope you'll follow in Mommy's steps and love dance and gymnastics.
You love to help Mommy cook! |
You are definitely a teacher's child. You already know letters A and B, and we are currently working on C. You can pick them out in the bathtub letters, on your play mat, in books, just about anywhere. We have a 5 book minimum each day and you love flipping the pages as I read. You give the characters on each page a kiss and gab away at the pictures.
Park fun with Daddy
curls! |
You still love Mickey Mouse, but have discovered the girly Minnie Mouse and freeze everytime you hear the Minnie's Boutique song. Your favorite thing is to have tea parties with Daddy and do the most adorable version dance of "I'm a Little Teapot". You clap at all the right times when you hear the song "If You're Happy and You Know It' and can do the motions for "Itsy Bitsy Spider". You are a little mermaid and fuss when we take you out of the tub or pool.
our little mermaid |
Pool time with Mommy and Daddy on the Fourth! |
Fashion Scoop
You can still wear a good bit of your 12 month size clothes, thanks to being so petite. You are also wearing some 18 month clothes and are in a size 4 shoe {which is just a tad big}. You still wear a size 3 in Huggies Diapers. You sport dresses/bubbles most days. You have a pair of denim shorts, and I must say those little baby legs are just adorable in them! Most of your frocks have either your name or initial, thanks to Mommy's obsessive monogramming. I know the day will come when you no longer want to wear things I've made for you, so I'm trying to do as much of it while I still can. I love dressing you and telling you all about how Mommy made your outfit! Special memories I will always cherish.
You obsess over shoes. You love to dig your shoes out have have me put on one pair after another. The other day we ventured to the mall for some new kicks. You started fussing when I went to take your new shoes off, so I let you just wear them out of the store. You walked through the mall like you were 5 foot tall in your new shoes. Priceless.
Father's Day with Daddy |
You hair is getting so long! |
Meal Time Mayhem
Lately you've been a bit fussy during mealtimes, and we discovered you are cutting your first molar. Ouch! That makes tooth #7. You haven't had a bottle since the night before your first birthday. We chose to quite cold turkey and you never looked back- thank you for that! You have been on whole milk since your first birthday, and it almost feels as if we received a raise since we are no longer forking out money for formula. You are on milk only, with the exception of gatorade/pedialyte once a day. We are wary of the juices due to the sugars, etc... You are solely on table foods now- bye bye Gerber, hello pizza! Pizza, by the way, is your favorite food. Other mealtime favorites include:
Breakfast: chocolate chip waffles with syrup, banana, banana/strawberry smoothie, oatmeal (strawberry is your favorite), cheese grits, cinnamon rolls, Kellogs cereal bars.
Lunch: Ravioli, spaghetti-os, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, hot dogs, corn dogs, any and all fruits, pb&j sandwiches.
Dinner: Pizza, spaghetti, caseroles, anything with pasta, breads - basically everything we eat!
Snacks: Oreos, Yoplait yogart (your favorite), yogart bites, goldfish crackers, any fruit, pudding, cookies.
Dislikes: Eggs, for whatever reason you despise them. I've tried cooking them every way possible, to no avail.
Fourth of July watermelon - yummy! |
You took your first few steps on May 14th in our living room. I had heard rumor from Nanny J that you had started, but it didn't count until Mommy and Daddy saw it ;) You didn't take right off though, instead you took your time and only started walking everywhere independently in the last week or so (15 months). Each day you are gaining distance and speed! We have to watch you oh so closely now. You know the rooms that are off limits, but still sneak into them and shut the door. Speaking of doors, you can now open them. Yikes! Now nothing is off limits. You love to flush the toilet a dozen times, unroll the tissue paper, rummage through drawers and cabinets... Time to do some serious baby proofing!
You are currently cutting tooth # 7- your bottom left back molar. It has really given you fits, but judging by your swollen gums, I'm afraid more are on their way.
You're finally walking! Fourth of July |
You love playing in your bassinet. |
You loved the ice cream- fireworks, not so much :) |
Oh love, you are growing so fast, sometimes I'm afraid to blink. Although it breaks my heart to think of you as a toddler, this is my favorite stage yet. I say that every time, I know. You have grown so much and can now really interact with us. It's such a joy seeing your little personality bloom! I cannot wait to see what the next three months have in store!
All my love,