Wednesday, July 31

Travel Necessities {toddler edition}

I am, by nature, a list maker. I have lists for my lists. Last year in preparation for our family vacay, I created this little list to help me keep track of the necessities for traveling with a 2 month old.

Once again it's time for a family vacation and my mind is starting to run through all the essential survival gear we will need for a {dare I say it} toddler. Deep breaths.

I looked through last year's list, and it was neat seeing how our essentials have changed. Looks like we will have more room in our car than last year.

I'm not sure why you would be interested, but just in case, here is the list that is currently sitting on top of our suitcases, ready for me to check off items one by one.

The Necessities
  • 2 Loveies {yes, my friends, making sure we leave home with her darling lovies takes precedence over everything else}.
  • Benadryl {recommended by pediatrician for motion sickness- yes, she gets it from her Mommy}
  •  Toddler Story Time Bible
  • diapers / wipes / Boudreaux's booty paste
  • 1 plastic bib
  • pajamas
  • daytime outfits (2 per day - one for playtime, other for evenings/outings)
  • hair bows & hair brush {she has enough hair now to have bad hair days :) }
  • sandals, shoes, socks
  • beach bag {contains sunscreen/ little swimmers/ towels/ hats/ floaties}
  • 2 blankets {Aidan+Anais bamboo blankets are the perfect summertime blanket and our favorite. Even Kate Middleton agrees as this is the blanket she wrapped up that adorable little royal bambino when introducing him to the world. Made me feel special!}
  • sleep sheep {still a must}
  •  diaper bag with go-to items
  • umbrella stroller
  • toys/entertainment items/ books
  • bath products {Aveeno Shampoo/Lotion/Body Wash}
The Extras
  • camera bag / video camera / chargers
  • snacks for the ride
Happy Packing!

Tuesday, July 30

Sweet Mary Grace {12-15 Months}

Sweet Mary Grace,

I had planned to stop doing monthly updates when you  hit the one year mark. You see how well that worked out? I am horrible at keeping the baby book updated. To my defense, I have documented almost every detail of your first year right here via my online journal. When I have them printed and bound, they will serve as a baby book of sorts. Plus, lately the thought of you as a toddler has me all sentimental and I'm suddenly snapping dozens of pictures a day because I'm realizing just how fast you are growing up.

Now for all the girly details....

Our Little Girl
You are offically a {dare I say} toddler. You had your 15 month check up last week. You have developed what we affectionately call 'white coat syndrome'- meaning, you know what's about to take place and scream your little lungs out. You get it honest though, stories of my childhood trips for shots are legendary. You are our tiny little thing,  weighing in at 20.2 pounds {10th percentile} and measuring in at 30 inches tall {34th percentile}. You are on the dainty side and must now drink pediasure daily to help with weight gain. You go back in a month for a weight check and we are hoping to either have maintained or increased in weight- otherwise it's going to be a round of dreaded bloodwork. Here's to lots of snacks, pediasure, and weight gain!

First ice cream cone at the park with Mommy and Daddy!
Summer visit with Pop
Watching Louie is one of your favorite past times!
Though you are small, you are ahead in all other areas including language and motor skills. For motor skills you are walking, can toss a ball and somewhat catch it, climb anything, slide, scribble with a crayon, and you are trying to use a spoon. You have quite the vocabulary for your age and now use the following words regularly: Mama, Bob (she refuses to say Dada, but has in the past), nubby (lovey), kitkit (kitty cat), LooLoo (Louie),  yes, no, yeah, bye, look, shoes, eye, tickle tickle, this, see, bye, neenee (nannie), ball, go, and we've put together a phrase- Here you go.
First trip to the park for a picnic.
You love your big girl seat, and getting suckers from the bank tellers :)

No Shortage of Personality
You are quite the little spitfire, my dear. The problem is that you've figured out very early exactly what you want in life, and you settle for nothing less. You've recently developed quite the little temper- which you get from your Daddy, his temper tantrums stories are ones for the books. You will throw lovey, stomp your feet, fall out crying, or even hit. Yes, I said hit. You've become a little monster in that department and are testing us daily. We are still trying to find the discipline path that works best for you, which at the moment is 'cool down time'.
You are oh so timid and absolutely will not tolerate having someone invade your personal space. You are definitely not the social butterfly, but instead prefer to play alone and watch others. Once again, a trait you can thank Daddy for passing down.You only let us and Nanny J watch you. This can cause serious problems, especially at social functions. You have only recently started staying in the nursery at church, but even that is a hit or miss.

You are a very loving child and you constantly give us hugs and kisses. You are all girl and I love it. You spend yours days being a little mama to your dolls, brushing your/my hair, playing with your costume jewelery, putting on Mommy's makeup, and helping paint your nails. You love being outside but hate to sweat, so this time of year is not your best. You obsess when your hands are dirty. I can already tell you are going to be a type A like Mommy.
first pedicure

You, my dear, are a born dancer. No matter the beat, when a song is on you are shaking your little hinny and wiggling those adorable arms and legs. It's the cutest thing! This I love, especially since I've already inquired about the Mom & Tot dance classes in the Fall. I cannot wait to do all those girly things together. Tutus, tap shoes, and recitals, here we come! I hope you'll follow in Mommy's steps and love dance and gymnastics.

You love to help Mommy cook!
You are definitely a teacher's child. You already know letters A and B, and we are currently working on C. You can pick them out in the bathtub letters, on your play mat, in books, just about anywhere. We have a 5 book minimum each day and you love flipping the pages as I read. You give the characters on each page a kiss and gab away at the pictures.
Park fun with Daddy
You still love Mickey Mouse, but have discovered the girly Minnie Mouse and freeze everytime you hear the Minnie's Boutique song. Your favorite thing is to have tea parties with Daddy and do the most adorable version dance of "I'm a Little Teapot". You clap at all the right times when you hear the song "If You're Happy and You Know It' and can do the motions for "Itsy Bitsy Spider". You are a little mermaid and fuss when we take you out of the tub or pool.
our little mermaid
Pool time with Mommy and Daddy on the Fourth!
Fashion Scoop
You can still wear a good bit of your 12 month size clothes, thanks to being so petite. You are also wearing some 18 month clothes and are in a size 4 shoe {which is just a tad big}. You still wear a size 3 in Huggies Diapers. You sport dresses/bubbles most days. You have a pair of denim shorts, and I must say those little baby legs are just adorable in them! Most of your frocks have either your name or initial, thanks to Mommy's obsessive monogramming. I know the day will come when you no longer want to wear things I've made for you, so I'm trying to do as much of it while I still can. I love dressing you and telling you all about how Mommy made your outfit! Special memories I will always cherish.

You obsess over shoes. You love to dig your shoes out have have me put on one pair after another. The other day we ventured to the mall for some new kicks. You started fussing when I went to take your new shoes off, so I let you just wear them out of the store. You walked through the mall like you were 5 foot tall in your new shoes. Priceless.

Father's Day with Daddy

You hair is getting so long!
Meal Time Mayhem
Lately you've been a bit fussy during mealtimes, and we discovered you are cutting your first molar. Ouch! That makes tooth #7. You haven't had a bottle since the night before your first birthday. We chose to quite cold turkey and you never looked back- thank you for that! You have been on whole milk since your first birthday, and it almost feels as if we received a raise since we are no longer forking out money for formula. You are on milk only, with the exception of gatorade/pedialyte once a day. We are wary of the juices due to the sugars, etc... You are solely on table foods now- bye bye Gerber, hello pizza! Pizza, by the way, is your favorite food. Other mealtime favorites include:
Breakfast: chocolate chip waffles with syrup, banana, banana/strawberry smoothie, oatmeal (strawberry is your favorite), cheese grits, cinnamon rolls, Kellogs cereal bars.
Lunch: Ravioli, spaghetti-os, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, hot dogs, corn dogs, any and all fruits, pb&j sandwiches.
Dinner: Pizza, spaghetti, caseroles, anything with pasta, breads - basically everything we eat!
Snacks: Oreos, Yoplait yogart (your favorite), yogart bites, goldfish crackers, any fruit, pudding, cookies.
Dislikes: Eggs, for whatever reason you despise them. I've tried cooking them every way possible, to no avail.
Fourth of July watermelon - yummy!
You took your first few steps on May 14th in our living room. I had heard rumor from Nanny J that you had started, but it didn't count until Mommy and Daddy saw it ;) You didn't take right off though, instead you took your time and only started walking everywhere independently in the last week or so (15 months). Each day you are gaining distance and speed! We have to watch you oh so closely now. You know the rooms that are off limits, but still sneak into them and shut the door. Speaking of doors, you can now open them. Yikes! Now nothing is off limits. You love to flush the toilet a dozen times, unroll the tissue paper, rummage through drawers and cabinets... Time to do some serious baby proofing!

You are currently cutting tooth # 7- your bottom left back molar. It has really given you fits, but judging by your swollen gums, I'm afraid more are on their way.
You're finally walking! Fourth of July
You love playing in your bassinet.
You loved the ice cream- fireworks, not so much :)

Oh love, you are growing so fast, sometimes I'm afraid to blink. Although it breaks my heart to think of you as a toddler, this is my favorite stage yet. I say that every time, I know. You have grown so much and can now really interact with us. It's such a joy seeing your little personality bloom! I cannot wait to see what the next three months have in store!

All my love,

Monday, July 29

Bonjour Blogland

I knew the last couple of weeks were going to be hectic, but my oh my. There has been so much going on as of late and blogging has taken a back seat. No worries though- I have a blog post for every day this week, already written, and scheduled to post. Get excited! They include Mary Grace's monthly update, traveling musts with a toddler, recent photo shoot recap {for the grands}, and a fun edition of the Friday Five.

See how productive I've been this weekend?

Other productive tid-bits and life lately.....
  • I cleaned out our freezer and pantry {I've been procrastinating on that one for a while}
  • Finally uploaded all of our pictures from December until now onto Shutterfly. Breathing a sigh of relief as I was terrified our computer would crash and I'd lose all those precious memories. I'm pretty sure only Mommies worry about those things.
  • Managed to tackle that bag full of Huggies point codes- which  gave us enough to get 50 free prints from Shutterfly. Score! At this point, I was really proud of myself for having uploaded those pictures.
  • Finished my online course {details on this very soon, I promise}
  • Organized the office and cleaned out our filing cabinet.
  • Spent two fast-paced days in Birmingham on business. It was my first night away from the wee one. I survived and {I say this with guilt} enjoyed a break and time to myself.
  • I did manage to squeeze a little fun out of the business trip: scoring some sweet finds for our casa at Homegoods, and visiting some old friends- including one sweet little newborn man :) Being back in my old city and seeing some dear friends brought back such sweet memories of that life-changing season in my life.
  • Spent time stalking the royal family. I'll admit, watching the door of the Lindo Wing was a bit addictive.
  • Enjoyed play dates, pool dates, and lunch dates with great friends.
  • Celebrated 8 blissful years of marriage to the perfect man for me. He's one of my biggest blessings in this life.
 I flipped over to the August section in my planner and smiled at all those empty boxes. I'm ready for a slower pace and more free time with my loves.

This Monday is almost over! 

Tuesday, July 9

Be Your Own Measuring Stick

For July's Happiness Project, I decided to work on ways to become more optimistic. In a recent post on becoming a glass half full girl, I hit a little on the issues of comparing yourself to others.

I am constantly comparing myself to others.

Although you may not admit it out loud, I'm pretty sure we are all guilty of this. We size ourselves up against others financially, physically, socially, and sometimes even spiritually.

I've discovered there are two results when comparing yourself to others:
  1. You Don't Measure Up. When you are measuring yourself against someone else, often times we feel as if we don't measure up. That's when we begin to think "I'm not as good as....., If I had more of .......". This can spark the flame of jealousy, which we all know can quickly become a roaring fire that consumes us.
  2. You Become Prideful. When you are sizing someone up and you feel as if you are superior or have a better lot in life, then the issue of pride comes in to play. If you want a good example of how pride can destroy, look at the life of King Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26. He was powerful, successful, and admired by his people. "But then strength and success went to his head. Arrogant and proud, he fell."
When you are a competitive person {as I am}, it's almost like you are hardwired to do so. It's okay to see others successes, because often times that can be a great motivator for ourselves. The issues arise when we feel we do not measure up and thus begin the game of judging ourselves.

No one will ever judge you as harshly as  you judge yourself.

It doesn't matter how many people you have cheering you on in the journey of life. If you cannot stop your own judgements of yourself and get on your own team, then you'll never make it pass the starting line.

Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. each of us is an original.   Galatians 5:25-26 (The Message)

Comparing yourself to others is like using an inaccurate and irrelevant measuring stick. More times than not it leaves us thinking that the grass is greener elsewhere.

So, how can we break this habit?

By focusing on ourselves, and measuring ourselves today against ourselves from yesterday or last year.
When you catch yourself using that innacurate measuring stick, turn your thoughts to your own growth. How am I better today than yesterday/last week/last year. What are my successes this year? How have I grown?

We're not talking about measuring our financial or social successes. In other words, focus on how you are becoming a better version of yourself. That's the stuff that counts. By doing this, we are bound to see our glass as half full, and our pasture as the greenest.

Monday, July 8

Monday Ramblings

Happy Monday blogland! Unfortunately this week is not going to be cut short due to a holiday- boo!

Here are a few randoms to start your week off!

Hello,  Lovely

I am obsessed in love with my newest little lovely. Two reasons: 1) It's pretty and fabulous and holds all my clutter, and 2) It retailed for $150 but this savvy shopper snatched it up for a mere $60.

Not Enough Hours

The next two weeks are jam packed. Seriously, when I opened my planner this morning, I had to write my doctor appointment time in the margins- no room left!

Sweet MG is cutting some molars and it has been awful around our house. Help!

Fourth of July Shenanigans
Typical American Fourth of July- I wouldn't have it any other way! I cook a yummy new recipe (Cherry Pineapple Ham in the crockpot), we ate watermelon as is our tradition, hit up the pool in between rain spells, and topped it off with a trip to see fireworks. My child hates fireworks so we left after, oh... 30 seconds. Rainbows and sunshine!
I hope to have pictures up sometime this week :)

Lunch Date
 That's it for today, everyone. I'm off to meet my brother for a lunch date. Fun!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, July 3

Getting To Know Me {link up}

As a member of the Alabama Women Bloggers community, I couldn't pass up this fun little link up. It's a series of questions to help other bloggers get to know you a bit more. I've enjoyed learning a little more about some of my favorite Alabama bloggers.

1. What part of the state do you call home?
We live in the teeny tiny town of Bulter. We are about two hours south of Tuscaloosa.

2. How long have you been blogging?
Since May of 2008 { 5 years }

3. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging as a way to keep our out of town family in the loop. I had just graduated college and was entering my first year of teaching {exciting time}. Over the last five years my blog has grown and changed so much. I never thought I'd have so many people interested in our simple, small town life. Today my blog is a digital scrapbook of our family life, my daughter's journey and growth, and my rambling thoughts on everything.

4. What is your favorite part of being a member of the Alabama Women Bloggers community?
In my small town there aren't many bloggers, so it's fun to meet other Southern ladies who share this hobby. I have stumbled across some great blogs that are so inspirational! Not to mention, Southern women have the best recipes ;)

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I'd like to be more patient and stronger in my faith.  I'd like to say that in 5 years we will be a family of four. Although we are done in the baby making department, we're interested in overseas adoption. Having been adopted myself {by my sweet Daddy}, it's always been close to my heart and something I'd like to do myself.

6. If you could choose an actress to play you in your life, who would you choose and why?
Rachel McAdams. I love her! Plus, she looks great both blonde and brunette ;)

7. Name 5 things on your Bucket List that you hope you’ll check off before you die?
  • Travel {Hawaii, New York, Africa and Europe - specfically Italy}
  • Retire and buy a condo at the beach
  • Adopt {See #5}
  • Run a 1/2 marathon
  • Celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary

8. If you could be known for one thing, what would it be and why?
I'd like to be know as a woman of faith who loved.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:35  {my life verse} 

9. Describe the best moment in your life.
 Marrying my husband and seeing my daughter for the first time.

10. If you could “be” anything (no consequences, no fear), what would you “be”?
An actress. I'd also like to own a bookstore.

11. What or who inspires you to blog?
Other bloggers, my family and friends, life in general.

12. We’re headed to your neck of the woods… what restaurant would you recommend?
Hmmm.... considering we only have a handful, that would be hard to say. Perhaps Ezell's Fish Camp on the river- you'll get a good dose of Southern!

13. What’s a southern tradition you and your family have?
We drink sweet tea :) Having lived in the North {Indiana} for a year, I realized that sweet tea is a truly Southern thing. And yes, we have been known to drink it from a mason jar.

14. If you could pick your favorite blog post from your blog this year, what would it be?
The letter I wrote to Mary Grace on her first birthday. You can read it here.

15. We all love social media, tell us your links so we can follow you!
You can follow me via Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. My media links are at the top of my sidebar.

Monday, July 1

Weekend Shenanigans and Giveaway Winner

Hello Monday!

Another weekend has come to a close. It was a wonderful time spent relaxing, napping, and playing at the park. Let's recap.

MG and I ventured to the Dinosaur Exhibit - sponsored by our local library. I am still kicking myself for not getting a picture.

We were up and on the go. First up a trip to see Grandpa, complete with play time in the mustang {the hubby's race car}. She loved his racing helmet and did not want to take it off. This made me a wee bit nervous as I'm hoping she'll dance, but am afraid she'll follow her Daddy to the races instead ;)
Afterwards we stopped for MG's first ice cream cone and then headed to the park for some play time before heading home.
Look at those curls!

Walking like a big girl

Up and going early for Sunday school and church. After worship it was time for lunch with the family before heading home for that much anticipated Sunday afternoon nap. Mima dropped by for a bit and it was off for more ice cream, play time at the park, followed up with a stroll around the lake.

Staci is the winner of the Southern Charm Designs giveaway. Thanks to everyone who participated!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Until tomorrow dears...