Friday, April 5

A Letter To Mary Grace - 4.5.13

Our Sweet Mary Grace,

Today you are one. Today, we celebrate every piece of you. One year ago, today, I did not know how much my life would change. One year ago, today, I loved you, but did not know how much that love would stretch/grow/fill/change/complete. One year ago, today, Daddy and I were celebrating your arrival with friends and family. Today, we celebrate with breakfast and a million kisses. Our family of 2 (3, if you count Louie), became a family of 3 (or 4), and the completion that you bring is indescribably beautiful.

A whole year ago today your Daddy and I looked into your eyes for the very first time and we loved you unconditionally instantly. One year ago today our journey together began- we became a family together that day.

Today, we celebrate a year of you. We celebrate the fact that we not only survived it, but somehow loved every moment of it. I would not be the mother that I am, without the many sleepless nights, and the middle of the night tears. You would not be my beautiful girl, without the smiles, and screams, and loveies. Every hour/minute/second that I am yours, I feel more completed and amazed that you are mine. You make me better. More loving. More patient. More generous. Not just a better mother, but also a better wife, daughter, sister, and friend. I did not expect that. The part where you teach me things about myself, while I am teaching you that walking does not have to be scary, sippy cups are not so bad,  and loud noises are a part of life. We don’t have to cry every time I take away the television remote, because there are buckets of toys waiting to be played with, and baskets of stuffed animals waiting for your hugs. And while I am teaching you little lessons, you are transforming the very core of me.

I want you to know that even today, when you are ‘only’ one, I know in my heart of hearts that you are special. You speak only in baby chatter and simple words, yet I still know that you are a treasure. I can see all of you, and am already so proud/blessed/amazed at the the little person that you are becoming.

Becoming. You are becoming before my very eyes. Already becoming the girl you were meant to be. And Daddy and I, we are privileged to watch. We get to guide you, love you, and treasure you. We thank Jesus every single day that we get to help you along your path in life.

In the words of Shakespeare,  "Find though she is but little, she is fierce."

You my sweet girl are fierce.  You may seem little and quiet and careful to the eye of a stranger, but those who know you have seen a little girl who is filled with determination, curiosity, love and hunger. You know exactly what you want and you settle for nothing less. I hope you never lose that fire because that's what is going to take you places.

Daddy and I are so amazed and in love with you, so bent on trying to keep you safe and just trying to enjoy every second because you just keep proving how little time we have with you while you're little. You have such an infectious brand of happy- you're entire being lights up when you smile. 

Last night we read our favorite book, Someday, and I started thinking about your somedays. Someday, you will walk. Someday you will smile as I take your picture on your first day of Kindergarten. Someday you will wave goodbye as you leave for college. Someday you will fall in love and we'll cry tears of joy as you say 'I do'. Someday I will watch you hold your child, and I'll remember how I felt the first time I held you.

Someday will come soon enough. But today you are one. You are still ours, even if only for a little while.

 What a privilege it is to be your mommy, sweet Mary Grace. We are so proud of you, and all you are doing… and becoming. We cannot wait to see where our journey with you leads and we look forward to those many special somedays.

We love you!
Mommy and Daddy

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple
I won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart
And no one will desert you
Just try to never grow up, never grow up
- Taylor Swift

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