Thursday, January 3

One Photoshoot & Two Teeth

Yesterday evening I took little miss to have her 9 month photos taken. Out of the blue my normally calm, sweet, and oh so happy baby turns into this screaming, snotting child that I cannot control. In the midst of her wide open mouth screaming, I see it- her first tooth! I called Nanny J to see if she had seen it. She had actually checked earlier that day and did not feel anything. It had just broken through and was really hurting. Bless her! Plus, tooth #2 is ready to come in any moment.

I am a little nervous about this month's pictures. If Chelsea was able to get just one good shot, she wins the best photographer award.

After our super quick shoot, I scooped her up and hurried home to Orajel, Tylenol, and a cold popsicle.

After all, popsicles cure everything, right?

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