Tuesday, July 10

A Day In The Life

Funny enough, the title of my blog used to say " A day in the life of me... my life, my journey, my thoughts about everything." When I posted about getting my ducks in a row, I had a reader comment that I should do a day in the life post.

Well, here you have it- the good, the bad, and the oh-so adorable moments that took place on an average day at the James residence.

Early Morning {between the hours of 5:20-8:45} Instead of the usual alarm clock sounds, our wake up call comes at 5:20 and is in the form of Miss MG cooing and wiggling around in her bassinet. Daddy-O took a bit to long getting up so MG went from smiley, happy baby to a screaming feed-me-this-instant baby in just under one nanosecond. Daddy is up and it's time for a diaper change, a 4 oz. bottle, and some playtime.

Daddy leaves for work at 7:00 and MG and I are on our own for the day. We spend time on the playmat, reading books, and in our bouncy seat. At 8:45 she's ready for a snack (2 oz. bottle), diaper change, and a nap.

Mid Morning {between 9:00 and 11:15} At 9:00, Miss Priss is asleep in her swing and Mommy is enjoying a quiet breakfast of blueberry muffins and coffee. Her mid morning naps are when I eat, read my devotional, blog, and get dressed for the day (sometimes). At 9:55 she is up again and ready for a diaper change and spends time in her bouncy seat. At 10:45 she's ready for her mid morning bottle ( 4 ounces) and she's napping in her crib at 11:15.

 Lunchtime {between 11:15 - 1:00} MG is napping while I accomplish my chores for the day {mopping, sweeping, laundry, tidying up, loading/unloading dishwasher}. At 12:00 I take a lunch break in our bedroom which consists of a tomato sandwich and sweet tea {can you tell I'm from the South}, catching up on a little t.v., and folding laundry.... all while keeping a close eye on Miss MG via our baby monitor.

Laundry- oh joy!

Afternoon {between the hours of 1:00 3:00} At 1:04 MG is up and, you guessed it, time for a diaper change. It's now our favorite part of the day- Storytime! Afterwards, we walk around and look out the windows {since it's too hot to spend time on the porch}.

Late Afternoon / Early Evening {between the hours of 3:00-7:30} It's now time for a bottle (4 oz.) and at 3:26 MG is down for her later afternoon nap (she's sleeping in her swing). She's up again at 5:02 and it's time to help Mommy cook dinner. She sits in her bouncy seat on the counter while I teach her the ins and outs of cooking. Daddy-O is home at 5:54 and she's scooped up for some playtime with Daddy before dinner. Dinner is usually around 6 -6:30 and usually consists of some background noise from a fussy baby {we like to call it our ambiance music}. After dinner, it's tummy time on her play mat followed by more playtime with Daddy (I'm busy cleaning up from dinner). Depending on the heat / weather, we may take a stroll around the lake. If it's too hot for Little Miss, then Mommy usually goes for a jog solo.

Nightime {between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30} At 7:30 it's bath time, followed by our nightly bedtime Bible story and a nice 6 ounce bottle with cereal (she prefers oatmeal over rice). Little Miss is asleep in her bassinet at 8:39. Time for my shower, pj's, and a catching up on a little reading before crawling into bed at 9:30.

There you have it- a typical day in the life. There are peaks and pits to each day, but the peaks far outweigh the pits. Some days are better than others, but I am loving every minute of Mommyhood!

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