Thursday, March 1

Baby Bump: 34 Weeks

How Far Along? 34 weeks
Size of the Peanut? According to, sweet pea is the size of a durian. However, according to the neonatal specialist, she's weighing in a bit bigger at 6 lbs!
Maternity Clothes? I’m working whatever covers my ginormous belly these days. All of my maternity shirts are long sleeved, and with temps in the mid 70's and even 80's, they just aren't cutting it. These days, I just dig through the hubby's t-shirts and put on whatever covers the bump! Since I'm on bedrest and have no need of better work attire, I'm planning to just make do from here on out.
Weight Gain? 24 pounds. I was fussed at a little at my appointment today for not gaining any weight during my last two weeks. In my defense, it's hard to eat when you're full after only 3 bits and then you suffer from heartburn for 3 hours!
Stretch Marks? I haven’t seen we'll call that a no!
Gender? A sweet baby GIRL! 
Sleep? Sleep has been a tad better since my doctor gave the okay to take Unisom. I still wake up every hour to get a drink of water, or pee, or roll over (which is like trying to move Mt. Everest). The difference is that with Unisom, I'm able to go right back to sleep.
Food Cravings? Cantaloupe!
What I Miss? Everything from my “former life”…I feel like a walrus this week. The belly is no longer cute and manageable, it's now reached behemoth proportions and makes even the slightest movements difficult.
Symptoms? contractions (what else is new?), heartburn, and a general tiredness similar to that of my first trimester.
Belly Button?half in / half out
Best Moment of the Week?  Meeting our goal of 34 weeks! This has been a HUGE milestone for us! Finding out on Monday during an ultrasound that sweet pea has hair! I've been praying she would not be a bald baby!

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