Sunday, December 19

Santa Did Good

My Christmas list included a jewelry box. I originally wanted a large, simple ceramic jewelry box. After weeks of browsing stores and online, I realized that I would not be able to find what I had in mind. So, yesterday while out shopping, the hubby and I browsed for my gift. We found some really nice smaller jewelry boxes for around $125-$150, but I was worried they would not hold enough. Something told me to check out JCPenny before settling on one we had picked out. Good thing because we found this beauty:

It was originally priced at $400-but was on sale until 1:30 p.m. We bought the last one at 1:25 p.m. for $198!

My current jewelry storage is quite pitiful, as you can see from the embarrassing, unorganized chaos in these pictures.

Oh, the horror!

I'd say my Santy Claus did good this year ;)

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