I found this flair button on facebook and thought it was cute!
I've been on summer vacation for three months- but tomorrow I must return to the real world. My days filled with sleeping late, wasting the day away in my PJ's, afternoon naps, and my favorite cooking shows have come to an end. Teachers return tomorrow and a new batch of sweet peas will arrive bright and early Thursday morning!So, how did I spend my last day of freedom? I wore my PJ's all day, washed clothes, cleaned the house, packed my gym bag for next week, finished up my homework, and did a little yard work! I went to the grocery store the other day and had to think about what I would take for lunch next week..... I haven't had to think about things like that in a while! =)
I will say that the weather was GORGEOUS for my last day of summer. However, it felt nothing like summer. Instead it felt like a warm Autumn day. It was sunny buy very cool and breezy- wonderful! =)
I've said it before and I'll say it again- I'm ready for pumpkins, chilly nights, cool days, hay rides, trick or treaters, jack-0-lanterns, the beautiful colors of Fall, Halloween, and the electricity in the that that signals it's October! October is my favorite month! It will make it's grand entrance in just over a month! =)
Wish me luck!
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