Saturday, November 29

How did I not know about this.....

How did I go so long without knowing that Christmas stocking stands existed? I've been hanging our stockings on the back of our bar stools/chairs. Not the most attractive way, but it was my only option. After browsing several sites, I came across this wonderful invention. After doing some price checking etc, I settled on this one from Too cute!

*NOTE: This item was priced at 15.99 - I paid $21 after shipping and handling. It will arrive on or before Dec. 9. I did check out the ones at They were about the same price, however not as classy. BUT, if you want one in a hurry or don't want to deal with shipping etc., I'd suggest picking one up from WalMart. Another option is stocking hooks. They're really cute- but would still have to be hung from a counter etc. had a nice selection of stocking hooks, unfortunately they didn't have any stocking stands.

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