My six month reading affair with an Old Order Amish girl, Hannah Lapp, has come to an end. Okay..... before you jump to crazy conclusions, let me explain!

Back in May I began reading the first book of the 'Sister's of the Quilt' book, When The Heart Cries, by Cindy Woodsmall. It was awesome! I ended up reading books one and two in three days! I couldn't put it down (which is my criteria for whether a book is good or not)! I was heartbroken to find that I would have to wait from May until the end of October to read the last and final book. Well, I finished book three with tears spilling down my cheeks a few minutes ago. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend you read this series! This series is what got me so hooked on Christian Fiction about the Amish! I've read dozens of Amish series since this summer- can't get enough! See my previous blog on this subject!
The story ended very well- I hate getting attached to good characters and then having the story end badly! It's one of those books where you think about the characters and miss them once you've finished the book! Well, I'm definately going to miss Hannah, Paul, Luke, Mary, Matthew, and all the other people from the story.
So, go and pick up all three books and read them! Or, visit
this link to learn more about it!
Over the weekend I picked up my next book on the list to devour. I fell in love with the author, Francine Rivers, a few years ago when I read her story Redeeming Love. This was actually one of the books I did for our Merry Heart's Book Club at church. Redeeming Love is my all time favorite! So, I picked up her book 'Atonement Child' and will start on it this evening! Click on
this link to learn more about it and the author!

Here's to all who share my love of good books and finding friends in characters! Happy Reading!