"So here's the bottom line. Do I want to stand before God's throne and say I kept a clean house, I made sure my child was athletic, musical, artistic, and got good grades, I was present at all the important church activities, and I changed the oil in my car every three thousand miles because I was such a good steward of my blessings?
Is that all I will have to show for the gift of life?
Dear God, I hope not." pg. 270
"We only change when staying the same becomes even more frightening." pg. 227
"If you open yourself up to the possibility that God is found in locales you've never imagined; you'll meet Him in all sorts of faces and places you never thought possible." pg. 154

What awesome quotes! Thanks so much for sharing these. I just might have to read another one of Lisa Samson's books after hearing about that one!
Thanks for the comment. How did you like her book 'Songbird'? I started to read it- would you recommend it?
It was pretty good. I liked Embrace Me better though. Although Embrace me is kind of a sequel to Songbird, so it might be cool to read Songbird first.
Thanks, I think I'll try Songbird and then look into Embrace Me. I've been looking for my next book. You wrote a blog about 'Water For Elephants' and it got me interested. I saw it on sale at BAM last week- started to try it out.
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