Friday, August 1

I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life

This week has definitely sapped the life right out of me. It has been chocked full of highs, lows, and crazy turns. Ahhh, where do I begin?

Registration for new and returning students was held in our library all week long. I worked one of the tables on Monday, Wednesday, and today (Friday). It started at eight and ended at three. We would be really busy for a bit, and then really slow! I really enjoyed working at my new school. It was a great opportunity for me to meet several members of the faculty and get to know them. After this week I'm certain I made the right choice in schools. (I was offered 3rd grade at another school and turned it down for Kindergarten at Parkview). Those who know me well will agree that Kindergarten is where my heart is! I'm very much in love with my school, fellow teachers and staff, principal, and school grounds. Our school was completely renovated this summer- so everything is brand new! Very exciting! Spending time at my school was definitely one of the highlights of my week.

Another positive is a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Honeycutt, whom I've become friends with. I first met her in June- we shared a graduate class together. Then, in July we ended up sharing another class. She's a teacher at my new school and an unbelievably sweet person. She's given me a huge box of books for my classroom. She even got me a 'happy' gift as a welcome for being new to the faculty. She is a very positive, uplifting person. There is nothing negative about her. I'm very glad that we've become friends.

Making progress in my classroom was marked with ups and downs. I've yet to see my room (due to the renovations. Our building is really new, but they used it to store computers etc.). The Kindergarten building should be accessible by Monday. Mrs. Honeycutt and a few other teachers have assured me that I'll have plenty of time to get things settled- they've all volunteered to help me unpack and set up. See, another example of how wonderful the faculty is! A few positives are some items I've acquired for my room. Another teacher offered to sell me one of those small classroom refrigerators- for only $25! Of course I agreed- who could turn down an offer like that? This was an item I wanted, but wasn't too keen on spending $150 + on. I was also able to raid the supply room. I ended up with three humongous boxes full of notebooks, folders, construction paper, glue, sheet protectors, binders, collapsible folders, and dozens of other items. This was a real treat! All in all, I'm ready to dig in and get my classroom finished. I'm beginning to become a bit impatient!

Graduate school was yet another part of my busy week. I finished this month's class and earned an A. So, I still have that 4.0 GPA. I just got my grades a few minutes ago. However, I'm too exhausted to get excited and celebrate. Long sigh.......

To end the day with a bang, I came home to find my husband sick with a sore throat. To make things even better, I'm about to lose my voice! Wonderful! We're both craving a long, lazy, quiet weekend at home. Unfortunately, this will not be the case. Bobby's grandmother, Nanny, turns 80 on Sunday. The family is coming into town today and tomorrow for a huge birthday party for her on Sunday. So, this will greatly occupy our weekend. We're really looking forward to the party and seeing family. Hopefully we'll feel better by tomorrow and our weekend won't be ruined.

This has been our life this week. Long, busy, exhausting, but life none the less. Long, long, long, sigh......


Layla said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful week! Mom has said nothing but wonderful things about the staff at Parkview, so I know you are enjoying the faculty.

I had the opportunity to meet some of the faculty at West Hills, and they are all so very helpful. I have had some wonderful manipulatives just given to me! We're talking multiplication bingo, books, maps, decorations, etc! I was thrilled! Plus we have mutual friends.

(Whoops rambling... ) Isn't your furniture due in soon?

Sylvia Grace said...

Sounds great! I'm glad you're enjoying your school.

It's funny- I actually can't wait to go to work! I now have no trouble waking up early- I'm so excited to get up and head to school! It's weird to actually WANT to work :)

I'll call and discuss furniture situation- haven't talked to ya lately anyways!

Thanks for the comment!