Friday, July 25

Without further adou, may I present, drumroll please....

Ta Da!

After weeks of planning and designing, I now present my main centerpiece for our master bedroom. I worked a total of six hours on this project. It's 1:45 am and I just finished! I'm so excited to hang it on the wall and put all of our new decorations up.


Layla said...

Very cute Sylvia! It turned out beautifully. I don't think its too big either. Good job on the writing, I know you were stressing about it.

Layla said...

Well I can't wait to see the other one!

Jamie Grizzle said...

Can't wait to see the B&A pics of the bedroom! This would be a great little side business for you.

{Amanda} said...

oh Sylvia, i'm so glad you got it completed =) that quote's one of my favorites! and you definitely should post B&As of the room...hurrah!