Monday, February 9

Birthday Shenanigans

The little lady's birthday is on Easter Sunday this year and I am so excited about planning a fun Easter themed party! Let the fun times begin! Here are a few inspirations I've found on Pinterest.

Mary Grace's Birthday

Sunday, February 1

February's Verse

With February being the month of love, of course this month's verse centers on the nature of pure, Godly love.

Before we move on-- I hope you've memorized last month's verse!

February's Verse comes from 1 Corinthians 13- which is commonly known as the love chapter. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul outlines the true nature of love and gives us a measuring stick to examine our perceptions of  love. This is crucial, because worldly love is very, very different from Godly love! That's a whole other post in itself.

This is by far one of my favorite passages in Scripture. I actually memorized the entire chapter a few months after giving my life to Christ. And yes, I can still quote it verbatum!

Anytime I'm feeling frustrated or fear that I'm about to 'lose my cool' with someone-or something- I always recite this chapter to myself. Instead of just counting to ten, reciting this chapter refocuses my heart and mind on Jesus, His model for love, and how I can display love.

I challenge you to memorize 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. If you want to dig a little deeper, try memorizing the entire chapter!

Happy February!
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