Friday, June 28

Friday Five {link up #5}

It's Friday, lovelies! Oh, happy day!

I've been so excited about today's five because it features two friends who are branching out into different things. I'm so excited to feature them!

Plus, what better way to kick start the weekend than a fun little jewelry giveaway?

Here we go!

One. My Beauti {FULL} Life 
 My dear sweet soul sister, T, is launching a lovely little blog of her own. Those of you who have been 'with me' for some time know that T is like a sister. She and I have shared so many wonderful - sometimes crazy- adventures over the years. I was thrilled when she asked me to help! Please head on over and show her blog a little lovin'.

Two. Southern Charm Designs
Our sweet photographer and friend, Chelsea, has launched yet another fabulous business, Southern Charm Designs. She makes the cutest hand-stamped, personalized jewelry. She is such a talented lady.

Three.  For Yoo - stamps + paper
If you are in the market for a customized address stamp, then you must check out this little Etsy shop. They have some lovely designs and I cannot wait for mine to arrive.

Four. Picnics at the Park
Yesterday, I enjoyed a sweet lunch date with my best girl. She loved the park. I foresee many more trips in our future. We went early to beat the heat. She adores the swings and I bet we slid down the slide a dozen times. Afterwards we had a nice little picnic under the pavilion before heading home. Best lunch date ever. Sweet moments like these are what truly make a life.
Ready to slide- with lovey, of course.

Look at that red hair. Love my little ginger girl!

What's sweeter than baby feet?

My favorite! Love those dimples.

Lunch time!
Five. A Sweet Giveaway
I couldn't give you a peek at the cute designs from Southern Charms without giving you a chance to win one of your own. You have two ways to enter. Choose which option you prefer, follow the directions, then be sure to complete the rafflecopter entry for the option you chose. The winner will be announced on Monday.

Here's the scoop:
Option 1 {Facebook} - Click the Enter to Win tab on the rafflecopter. Check out Southern Charm Designs on Facebook and like her page. Then click 'I'm a Fan' via the rafflecopter.

Option 2 {Blog Comment}- If you have already liked her page before today, then you can still enter the giveaway. Simply check out her designs and leave a comment on this post telling us your favorite piece and why. If you comment under the 'anonymous' blogger option, please remember to leave your first name/email! Again, be sure to fill out the rafflecopter entry for this option under the Enter to Win tab.

Want to increase your odds? Do both options for more entry points!

Happy Friday and Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 27

Pinterest Project- {Sewing Closet Reveal}

I've been in desperate need of a sewing space for some time now. I had set up shop in our home office but it was such a hassle. I had to keep things packed up and out of the way of the hubby and little one. I am oh so in love with my new sewing closet. I don't have to constantly take things out or pack things up- which makes sewing so much faster and enjoyable.

I browsed Pinterest to come up with these inspirational designs.
We decided to go with this design for the shelving.

And here it is!

We had origianlly planned to use a kitchen counter for my workspace. I wanted something smooth that wouldn't snag my fabrics. We ended up using this large piece of crafter's board. It's super smooth and I love the way it looks. I added a light coat of stain and voila!

I could not be happier with the finished project. Tackling this project has jump started my motivation to complete others on our to-do list. Specifially, the tackle closet under our stairs. It's a jumbled mess of fishing poles, line, tools, and tackle boxes.

I am loving this design! We are thinking of doing something similar either on our porch or carport- that way it could also store our gardening supplies. I'll admit, the thought of moving the fishing gear  outside is very appealing!


That's all for today, lovelies!
Check back tomorrow for a very special Friday Five- complete with a jewelry giveaway!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, June 26

Easier Said Than Done

I should have known that after yesterday's upbeat post on being an optimist life would send a test my way.

Today is test day. And so far, I'm failing. But on the bright side, there's still time to turn things around!

1. My sweet Mary Grace has been fussy for two days now. She had two small spankings and time out before it was even lunchtime. {By spanking I mean a light pop on her hand/leg- no need to call DHS ;) } She has developed the habit of hitting/clawing/throwing things when she is told no or doesn't get her way. In her defense, we think her ear infection has returned. That means that in less than an hour we will be heading off to see the doctor. Having said that, whether she feels good or not, hitting/clawing/throwing things is not going to fly with this Mommy.

2. My foot is hurting a bit today and I'm assuming it's from being up and about the last couple of days.

3. To top it off, an issue with our garbage truck arose and I'm trying to deal with it and talk to my neighbor all while my child is having major meltdowns.

Fun times, I tell you. Remember when I said "it's not always rainbows and sunshine".

So, I'm trying to look on the bright side- but it is easier said than done.

I keep reminding myself of #1 - show gratitude.
  • Be thankful you have a foot. 
  • Be thankful you have a sweet baby- remember how long you waited for her!
  • Count your blessings- you have a beautiful home. Be thankful you have a home for the garbage truck to service.
  • Be thankful the sweet nurse took pity on you and worked you in this afternoon.
  • Be thankful Mary Grace is a good sleeper and you have a little time to collect yourself.
  • Be thankful. Be thankful. Be thankful.
 I think we are in need of some beach time :) 

A happier post is in store for tomorrow as I reveal my completed sewing closet- which I am oh so in love with!

Tuesday, June 25

Glass Half-Empty Kind of Girl

 I'm writing this more for myself than anything, but I hope that it encourages you to always look on the bright side of life. As I'm writing this, On The Sunny Side of the Street by Steve Tyrell is playing on my iPod - no joke!

My soul-sister, T, called last night and our conversation turned to our pessimistic tendencies. I was able to admit some of my most ugly faults - hey, she's my best friend and loves me for who I am. Turns out she and I are cut from the same cloth in regards to our negative views.

Pessimistic people are often the worst to be around. On the other hand, optimism is like gravity - it draws people in.

If makings mountains out of molehills were a career choice, I'd be a millionaire. I stress and obsess over the most insignificant details in life.

A realization hit me: I'm a 'glass half empty' kind of girl.


The truth hurts sometimes, I guess. We came up with a plan to help turn ourselves into the epitome of  eternal optimists and agreed to hold each other accountable.

This whole glass half empty thing consumed my thoughts last night and was on my mind constantly today. So, I did a little research on the topic and found there is an entire market devoted to this subject.

Just in time for July's Happiness Project.


1. Have Gratitude
"It all starts with counting our blessings. If you are not grateful for the good things in your life, you will never be satisfied. Take inventory of the good around you. But don't neglect what's not great, either: You also need to be grateful for the hardships, the obstacles, the failures. Why? Because these are the points of wisdom in your life. They give you strength, they teach you how to persevere, and they form your resilience. Being thankful for every step makes life’s hardships surmountable. All of this is the foundation of optimism; being psyched about the good and the bad, and knowing that they all point to a bright future." 

2. Share Your Stories
 "I believe we all have the capacity to live optimistically just by sharing our life’s adventures, our successes and even our failures. Just knowing others have been in the same boat and have persevered is comforting. It spreads a message of hope, and hope is the main ingredient in optimism. When we share our stories we are giving others the tools they need to build, evolve, and persevere. In essence, mankind is always 'paying it forward.'” 

3. Forgive
 "This is easier said than done but you need to forgive those that have affected your ability to find the silver linings. I believe that the easiest way to forgive and move on is to reflect on the fact that the past is the past. Just look at it this way; the person that you are having a hard time forgiving probably wishes that he or she could erase the past as well. In summary, make peace with your past so that it won't spoil the present. Once you accomplish this, you will close those chapters and live a more positive and happy life." 

4. Be A Better Listener
 "When you listen you open up your ability to take in more knowledge versus blocking the world with your words or your distracting thoughts. You are also demonstrating confidence and respect for others. Knowledge and confidence is proof that you are secure and positive with yourself thus radiating positive energy."
5. Turn Envy and Jealousy Into Energy
 "When we envy others we are only hurting ourselves. The universe does not owe you because someone else is better off than you. Channel that energy into building your personal and professional brand. Consider other people’s success the catalyst to help you achieve." 

6. Smile More - Frown Less
"When we smile we are creating a happy, stimulating environment around us that draws others in. Frowning, on the other hand, shuts people out and has the opposite effect. Happiness, even in brief doses, releases Serotonin (the happy hormone). It makes the toughest days surmountable."

7. Exercise, Eat A Healthy Diet, and Take In Vitamin D
"This may be common advice, but we all need some form of exercise and sunlight every day even -- if it’s only for 15 minutes. If you can’t get natural sunlight, ask your doctor about Vitamin D supplements and/or light therapy. If you can’t get exercise during your busy schedule, use the staircase instead of the elevator or park in the furthest parking spot. Whatever it takes, keep yourself in healthy motion as often as you can. Consider balanced meals and don’t push away those fruits and vegetables. If you feel hunger throughout the day, consider almonds and walnuts if you are not allergic. If you are predisposed to allergies, consider frequent smaller meals throughout the day instead of three larger ones. The energy we get from exercise, a healthy diet, and light exposure gives us focus, clarity and a naturally positive demeanor." 

8. Be A Positive Forward Thinker
"Positive forward thinking is the ability to find the silver lining in every cloud, apply it to today or yesterday and be hopeful that tomorrow will be better. Imagine surgery; you think the worse and can’t wait for it to be over. Take all that and start visualizing what the point of the surgery is and what the results of the procedure will deliver. The goal is good, it’s only today that may seem rough. Or picture a student studying for a grueling exam. It may seem like the end of the world trying to prepare and memorize all this information. But take that energy and picture what your degree can do for your future. Like anything else, working hard will always deliver results. Life is not a lottery. It’s what you make of it."

9. Stop Blaming Others
"It is so easy to blame others for our position in life. People blame the economy, politicians, bosses, and all types of third parties for their problems. Once you truly accept that you control who you are, you will find that optimism and success come naturally. Remember, opportunity is usually found in the valleys, not at the peaks." 

10. Understand That The Past Is Not A Blueprint For The Future
"Just because you've experienced adversity in your life does not mean that what starts badly will end badly. Do not make bad experiences a self-fulfilling prophecy of what lies ahead. On the contrary, know that those milestones are behind you and the road to the future is clear." 

Grab you coat, and get your hat. Leave your worries on the doorstep. And just direct your feet, to the sunny side of the street. Can you hear the pitter-pat? Yeah, that happy tune is your step. Life can be so sweet, on the sunny side of the street.

Friday, June 21

Five on Friday - Love Your Skin {Link Up # 4}

Happy Friday, lovelies!

It has been a week since I've posted on the ole blog. There has been so much going on this week. Let me fill you in before I get to the Friday Five.

Two weeks ago I had a dermatologist appointment and it was recommended that I have three moles removed. So, I went back the next week for the simple little procedure. Two days later, the office called regarding my pathology report. One spot was mild and will be monitored. Another spot, one on my foot, came back as having 'severe abnomalities'. The dreaded 'C' word was brought up and I was told I'd have to go back yet again- this time to have more tissue removed. On Tuesday I had a fairly large amount of the surrounding tissues removed. Once the margins were clear they stitched me up and I was on my way. I have been on the couch since Tuesday. Due to swelling and the immense pain when I walk, I've been confined to the couch. I go back to have the stitches removed in two weeks, but I'm praying that I'll be back on my feet again soon.

My lab reports came back and showed I am cancer free! The remaining tissue was 'severe cells' and not the ugly cells they were afraid of.

Having said all of that, you can rest assured my attitude towards the sun and tanning has changed. Being completely honest, I was in the tanning bed as recent as 3 weeks ago.

Never. Ever. Ever. Again. 

Although my tissue was not cancerous, the shear scare that I had those few days was enough to open my eyes. I have been putting my health at risk for what.... a tan that lasts only a couple of weeks at the most.

Society views a tan as being attractive. Living in the South, everyone has a tan. Tanning may be attractive, but the effects of it on your body {like the ugly inch long scar I will have on my foot} are not so pretty.

Skin cancer, brown spots on your face, red facial veins and blotchiness, wrinkles and premature aging are just a few of the ugly effects caused by tanning.

Please don't take this the wrong way. I've been one of the biggest sun goddesses you'll find. My love of tanning started when I was still in middle school. We had a tanning bed and I would visit it sometimes twice a day.

Thinking on the effects- I cannot walk, my foot is in pain, I'll have an ugly scar, and I now have to visit the dermatologist regularly for checks- I can clearly see it was not worth it just to have a nice tan.

So, with this on my mind coupled with today being the first official day of Summer- the time when tanning is at its peak- here is today's five.

5 Ways to Help Prevent Skin Cancer
{and have younger, beautiful skin longer}

Uno.   Avoid sun exposure from at least 11 am to 2 pm, when the sun's UV rays are the strongest. If you can, I would avoid the rays from 10 am to 3 pm. If you are out during this time, wear a little bit stronger sunscreen, such as SPF 50 or higher.

Dos.   Wear sunscreen when you go outside - even if it's cloudy or cold out. Getting a sunburn is not only painful, but a person's risk for skin cancer doubles if he or she has had 5 or more sunburns. It's easy to incorporate safe skin practices into your daily life. For instance, many make-ups offer SPF 15. One of my favorite go-to products for light summer makeup is Clinique's Moisture Surge Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 15.

Tres.   Create you own shade with an umbrella or fashionable sun hat.

Cuatro.   Do I even need to tell you to avoid tanning beds? Use a self tanner instead. The benefits are far better than those of a tanning bed. Jergens Natural Glow is endorsed by Rachel Bilson- who was once a self proclaimed tanorexic until she decided to live a healthier lifestyle.

Cinco.   Check your moles regularly. If one seems like it's changing shape or color - get it checked out by a dermatologist ASAP. Visit this link for more information.

Happy Summer!

Friday, June 14

Five on Friday {link up # 3}

Old Navy Steals

1. Shopping Lovelies
Old Navy had a sale on their Active Wear- shorts and tops for $5! I stocked up on some new running digs, but of course I couldn't stop there. Might as well go ahead and order those super cute shorts and tanks for summertime, right?  They arrived this morning- oh happy day! Seeing the FedEx truck pull up is one of my favorite things :) I also order sweet pea some new summer frocks- including this adorable pair of shorts.

2. Pool Days
Miss Mary Grace and I have been soaking up some glorious sunshine lately thanks to a break in the rain.

3. Hello Doc
It seems as if we just cannot get enough of visiting the doctor's office lately. From visiting our dermatologist to Mary Grace screaming at the ER doctor- we've had our fill!

4. Speaking of ER...
Little Miss awoke yesterday with a high fever that just would. not. go. down. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and cool baths were all futile. We ended up carrying sweet pea to the ER yesterday evening and discovered she has an outer ear infection {most likely from water getting in her ears at the pool- bummer.}

5. Daddy's Weekend
My sweet husband came home early today- I love those days! The wee one was asleep, so we were able to sit and have lunch together on the porch. Did I mention he brought lunch home, too? Best husband ever! Mary Grace and I have been working on his Father's Day gifts and we cannot wait to shower him with lots of love and kisses to show our appreciation for all he means to us.