My sweet Mary Grace,
We celebrated your six month birthday on Friday, October're half way to being a year old my darling girl and words escape me
. I am so excited for this milestone and the fact that we have made it
this far-quite successfully if I do say so myself, yet my heart aches
because you're growing each and every day and I want time to stand still
a bit so I can keep you small and spend countless hours holding you in
my arms again. Your little personality is beginning to really shine and, at this point, I'd say we have you pretty
well figured out my little munchkin.
let's start with the basics...
food/eating. You drink about 5-6 bottles a day, and for two of your feedings
you are getting baby food
(veggies mid-morning and fruits in the afternoon, along with cereal before bedtime) You still love your veggies, especially squash and carrots, and prefer them over fruits. Other hits include sweet potatoes, prunes (
yuck!), sweet peas, and bananas. At your six month check-up, we were given the go ahead to start stage two baby foods and sippy cups with juice. Mommy had so much fun picking out new combinations of food for you to try {
apple/blueberry, mixed veggies, pumpkin/squash, peach/strawberry with granola, peach cobbler.... Yummo!}. I cannot wait for you to start on the juice and sippy cups. If anyone has any advice on which cups to grab and which to
avoid, i'd certainly appreciate it!
You love bathtime and it's such fun to see you splashing around! |
nighty night, sleep tight. Nighttime is usually pretty
peaceful at our house. Our routine starts at 7:30 with a bath by mommy
daddy, lotion rub down as we pray, and then it's time for the nighttime
bottle, which normally puts you to sleep. On the whole, it's hard to nap about twice a day and at night you sleep from
8pm-7am-give or take a few. You are a complete wiggle worm once you're
in your crib and I sincerely don't understand how you move around so
much...we'll find you balled up in a corner at random times, yet you're
sound asleep. There have been some instances where we'll turn on the
video monitor and see you glaring at the camera and I cannot's a
little scary because it's as though you know we are watching you and
look at us with those eyes that say "don't you love me? why don't you
come in here and pick me up mommy?" MELT. MY. HEART.
the clothes situation. I'm going to be the lady walking
around in the mall with literally no clothes on since I can't find
clothes I want to buy myself anymore. Rather, I venture into gymboree and other cute boutiques because I can't fathom venturing
out for a shopping trip and not picking at least a few things up for
you. Anytime I go out, I always bring you back a toy {
drives Daddy bonkers!}. Dressing you is absolutely too much fun. We're still in 3-6 month
clothing, though some pieces are getting a bit snug, so we're working
our way into 6-9 month sizes as we speak. With the cooler weather fast
approaching, we will be whipping out your jackets, sweaters, leggings,
and boots in no time. You're still in size 2 diapers as well and
because your hair has been growing a lot lately, it won't be too much longer before Mommy can put bows on you without the headbands! I cannot wait!
You love to rock on the front porch while Daddy water's the flowers! |
a girl on the go. Activity time that is. You're still
in love with the jumperoo and so are we. It provides constant amusement so we
can get chores done around the house and you can exercise those
oh-so-cute and chubby legs of yours. You like your morning television
time and we rotate between mickey mouse club house, Disney movies, and the Baby First channel.. You're not sitting up on your own quite yet. You love the outdoors and grin from ear to ear when I place you in the stroller. You smile and 'chat' with me as we stroll around the neighborhood.
Chatting with Granny |
other necessary details. You are still oh-so attached to your lovies. We've added 'lovey horse' to the mix to make four total. Nanny J says that you are just an all around happy baby, but she's also
reported that you have "quite a temper"...yes, my dear, you are TOTALLY a
miniature version of your Daddy {
his temper when he was younger is legendary}.. You smile ALL.THE.TIME and
babble and you talk back to us when we try to chat with you. People always comment on how extraordinarily
HAPPY you are! You love when I sing and read to you. The house rule is to read at least 5 books a day and you love every minute of it, which makes the teacher in Mommy very happy! You had been going through a phase where you wanted nothing to do with anyone except Mommy, Daddy,and Nanny J. Lately you've started to warm back up to others, so I'm hoping you are finally growing out of it since everyone is dying to get their hands on you!
Late morning snuggle with Mommy and Daddy! |
6 month stats. We had your 6 month checkup with Dr. Elliot on your 6 month birthday {
boo} are your
current stats: 14.7 pounds (30% percentile) and 25 inches (50th percentile). You are still a petite little thing! Of course, the checkup ended with those dreaded shots we all despise,
but mommy immediately scooped you up! I cannot blame you one bit, Mommy still gets upset when it comes to shots.
Thanks for the love, laughter, cuddles, and kisses my sweet, sweet girl. You are our world, the reason life is worth living and you bring so much
happiness to our days-watching you grow is the biggest joy and I
can't wait for what's to come!
All our love,
Mommy and Daddy