Saturday, September 22

Bucket List....Fall Edition

In honor of the Fall solstice which starts TODAY, I thought I'd post a Fall Bucket List.

Autumn is my favorite season. Period.

So, to welcome in the season, here are all the fun things I hope to do:

  • Take Mary Grace to the pumpkin patch
  • Bake yummy Fall treats. I'm talking pumpkin bread, apple, you get the idea right? 
  • Carve pumpkins with Mary Grace for our front porch
  • Run 2 5ks and hopefully start working on 10k training
  • Shop on Black Friday with my dear friend, Chickadee
  • Host a family dinner at our home
  • Take Mary Grace trick-or-treating
  • Take a weekend getaway to our favorite B&B in Vicksburg- our favorite little town to visit in the Fall
  • Do a little yard work
  • Decorate our home for Fall
  • Make some yummy treats for my sixth grade kiddos

 Happy Fall, Ya'll!

Tuesday, September 18

The Color Run

I am officially registered for the Color Run in Tuscaloosa and I am super pumped! Since bedrest and having sweet MG, it's been difficult to stay motivated in the running department. I've started running with a group in the mornings and it has really helped my motivation. While I hate waking up at 4:30 Monday through Friday, I will say it's nice to go ahead and get my workout over. Starting next week I plan to start tracking my runs on here- perhaps the accountability will keep me motivated :)

Lou Lou {you know I have a pseudonym for everyone} and I decided to register for The Color Run. I cannot wait for October 6th- it's going to be a blast!

Monday, September 17

Weekend Rewind

 Saturday was spent at home sweet home. I was able to get some major housework done before lunch, so I had the afternoon to spend with my best girl. My dad came over to take my niece and nephew fishing. Mary Grace enjoyed having company over and spending time on the back porch just watching the fishing action.

 {Little Miss in her sunhat watching the fishing action}

Sunday afternoon Mary Grace discovered herself in the mirror of her playmat. She spent quite a bit of time "talking" to herself. She is such a funny little thing!

We made a quick trip to Lowes to pick up a few items for projects we're working on. I picked up a set of rocking chairs for the front porch, stain for the front door and back porch {remember this post}, Mums to plant in pots, and a few boxwood shrubs for the front of the house {we're  slowly starting to landscape}.

{Big girl rocking away on the front porch while watching Daddy plant shrubs}

I took this picture a week or so ago. I woke up hearing some 'chattering' and this is what I saw when I came into the living room. Sweet moments like these are what truly make a life.

Friday, September 14

Brown Sugar and Balsamic Vinegar Glazed Pork Loin

Oh. My. Goodness. This is divine! It's one of the crockpot recipes I found on Pinterest. So easy to do! We ate it with rice and other sides at first, then on day two we heated it up and ate it on hamburger buns {got to love leftovers!}.

  • 1 (2 pound) boneless pork tenderloin (or regular pork loin)
  • 1 teaspoon ground sage
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon peper
  • 1 clove garlic, crush (I didn't use this)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar 
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch  (I was out, used flour instead)
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
Combine sage, salt, pepper and garlic. Rub over loin. Place in slow cooker with 1/2 cup water. Cook on low for 6-8 hours (I actually cooked mine on low for 10 hrs.) About 1 hour before loin is done, combine ingredients for glaze in a small saucepan. Heat and stir until mixture thickens. Drain water from crockpot. Pour glaze over loin. Baste glaze over loin 2-3 times in the last hour. Serve with remaining glaze on the size.

Tuesday, September 11


We tossed our old baby tub {see this post for why} and purchased the Eurobath. It's all one solid piece- no nooks and crannies to keep clean. Plus, it's free of any materials that will get mildewy.

L O V E this tub.
 Simple. Easy to clean. More room for splashing around. Doesn't scream BABY.

Soon-to-be new mommies out there, I highly recommend this tub. It has great support features that keep your little slippery bambino from sliding down into the water. It is good for babies 0-24 months.

 {Mary Grace loves her new tub!}

Monday, September 10

Etsy Loves

It has been a while since I posted some of my Etsy loves. In fact, I believe that last time was when I blogged about my diaper bag {which I l.o.v.e.}.

I thought I'd share two recent Etsy buys - Mary Grace's Halloween attire & candy bucket- and a few items I'm still drooling over.

Minnie Mouse Tutu, Baby Tutu and puff headband set, 0-24m, Photo Prop, Childrens Toddler Infant Tutu, Halloween Costume, Birthday, Mickey
{She's going to make such a cute Minnie Mouse!}

{Love this treat bucket!}

Here are some things I'm drooling over! 
{Love these hats!}
 Baby Girl Hats, Crochet Baby Hat, Baby Slouchy Hat, Jute, Pink, Cotton, 6 to 12 Months

 Baby Girl Hat or Baby Boy Infant Newsboy Hat WITH 2 flowers and 2 bands Awesome Photo Prop
{Adorable! } 
Sweet  Valentine - White and Pink Mary Jane Baby Girl Shoes

Wednesday, September 5

Sweet Mary Grace - 5 Months

Dearest sweet Mary Grace,

This month, things have gone crazy at our house...with you trying food, to say you've become messy would be a mild understatement. It's all over your face, hands, and snug seat tray, yet i can't help but laugh at watching you try new foods.

We started with rice cereal in a bowl {you'd already been getting it in a bottle} and you weren't to crazy about the spoon at first, then we moved on to oatmeal {this has been your favorite nighttime snack since month 2}...hold your horses because once you got the hang of the whole spoon thing, you went NUTS and haven't stopped since. You beg  for more once you clean your bowl and then I have to reassure you a small bottle is coming your way before you freak out and think I'm not going to feed you. I love that you are trying so many different far, we have tried green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, peaches, and apples. {And yes, everyone has their opinions on baby food, but we are using the tried and true gerber brand for now. It worked for millions of other children...} So far carrots is your absolute favorite, followed closely by sweet potatoes and then bananas. You weren't too fond of the green beans, apples, and peaches. For the apples, I tried Nanny J's suggestion and put a little cereal in with it and you devoured it!

As far as activity, you are a girl on the move peanut. Your jumperoo has become your our new best friend and can keep you entertained for quite awhile. You jump up and down like a monkey, making noises and giggling and you put on quite a show. You are still such a good baby, though. You are able to keep yourself entertained {thank you} and are not what we would call a 'high maintenance' baby.

{Now that you can get the props- and even chew on them- picture time is much more difficult}

You still like to sit and watch tv (mainly Mickey Mouse) in your swing, but you're getting so long that I doubt you'll be able to "fit" comfortably much longer. The activity mat is a life saver. You are content to just roll around and 'chat' with your friends.


You are a little rolly polly these days! You rolled over from back to tummy for the first time on August 4. You rolled over from tummy to back for the first time on August 29th. When you finally flipped from tummy to back it really startled you. It took you a few minutes to realize what you had done. There must be something about having Granny around to make you reach a new milestone, because she was here when you rolled back/tummy and then when you rolled tummy/back. She was so excited that they was able to see you do these milestones for the first time! Now when you are on your tummy, you pull your knees up under you and kick. I'm afraid we will be crawling soon, my sweet! You can really lift your head and chest high, and if you can ever figure out to do this while lifting your little booty up, then you will be on the move!

With regards to your routine, you take about 2-3 naps throughout the day, napping for about an hour each time, although sometimes you sleep for 2-3 hours {heaven}.  You sleep between 9-11 hours every night. You spent your first night in your big girl crib on August 25th {sad day for Mommy} and sleep much better/longer than when you were in the bassinet. You love having room to stretch out and roll over. Your tummy is your new favorite sleeping position.

You have developed quite a funny personality my sweet girl. You laugh, blow raspberries, and want all toys and books in your mouth, and you arch your eyebrows when you're curious. This past month has also marked you reaching your arms out when you want someone/something. Your coordination is getting better each day and you are able to get things you want and put them in your mouth. You have officially found your feet and can be caught frequently putting them in your mouth.

You are a Mommy and Daddy's girl. For the last month of so you've developed this idea that no one except Mommy and Daddy should hold you or even touch you. Anytime someone else tries to hold your, or sometimes even play with you, you freak out and will not calm down until we get you back. I feel so bad for our friends and family because they are itching to get their hands on you- but you will not have it.


You are still obsessed with your 'lovies'. Granny bought you the first, Lovey Bunny, and you were quickly in love. To ward off the ending of the world if we were to lose it, Granny brought you two more- Lovey Puppy and Lovey Moo Cow. We just rotate them around. You have a lovey by your side 24/7. When things start to get crazy and you're temper flares, all we need do is give you your lovey.

We don't go to the doctor this month, but my guess is that you weigh around 14 pounds, which helps give me a great arm workout each and everyday since you LOVE to be held. You are still in size 2 diapers and are in 3-6 month clothes...yes, Mommy  had another meltdown as we finished putting away all the smaller size frocks.


I want this time to slow down because I know deep down inside you'll never be this tiny again and it breaks my heart. I want this to last forever! I am trying to document all your milestones as frequently as possible, and we have taken some wonderful videos and captured tons of sweet, sweet pictures so we can eventually show you just how precious you were at such a young age. I know you feel so loved by everyone and I hope you know just how much joy you bring us. You are our whole world- all our joy and happiness is wrapped up in your sweet self!

We love you toots!
Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, September 4

Yummy To My Tummy

So far, carrots seem to be the favorite dish. It's amazing how such a little person can make such a big mess. I guess the messier, the tastier.

{Please excuse my ridiculous "Mommy voice"}

Monday, September 3

Pretty Girl

{And finally, a sweet carrot face :) }

Happy Labor Day!
We plan to spend our afternoon enjoying family and good food!