When we left the house on Wednesday, April 4th, we had no idea we wouldn't be coming back without our baby.
It was Bobby's 34th birthday and I had a doctor's appointment. Little did we know this would be a birthday that Bobby would never forget. I was 38.6 weeks pregnant. We had plans to go out to dinner to celebrate Bobby's birthday and do a little shopping after our doctor's appointment.
I have always taken our belly pictures on Thursdays, but something told me to get one that morning.
38.6 weeks
The last belly pictures.
At our appointment we had an ultrasound to see just how big little bit was measuring. She was averaging 8 lbs. 5 oz. By this point I was
finished. After months of bedrest and a rocky pregnancy, I was ready to meet our little bambino. I was thrilled (though a bit shocked) when our doctor sent us to the hospital to be induced. We were so excited that our little one would soon be on her way!
We were told to wait about an hour before arriving to the hospital, so we decided to go out for dinner at Logan's to celebrate the hubby's birthday. It was our last dinner as just the two of us.
We arrived at the hospital around 1:00 and at 2:15 they gave me the first round of medication to start dilation. When we arrived I was not dilated. At 6:00 they checked me and I was 2 cm and 80% effaced. They gave me the second round of cervical medication and things started picking up. I started having heavy contractions around 8:00 and by 9:00 I was only getting about a 10 second break between contractions. I was given Stadol (spelling?) for pain management and then received my epidural at 11:00. At the time I received the epidural I was 5 cm. The epidural was wonderful and Bobby and I were soon asleep for the night. I was given a break to rest for the night, and then the next morning at 6:30 they started Pitocin. I was still 5cm. At about 7:00 they broke my water and then it was just a waiting game. Around lunchtime I was 7 cm and was able to catch a short nap before the big moment came. I started pushing at 1:45. I pushed a total of 11 times, taking a few breathers here and there, and at 2:16 p.m. our sweet baby made her debut into the world! She was 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 19 inches long.
In that moment, we went from just two to a family of three....
She never cried after she was born. The cord was around her neck, and then when we didn't hear her crying Bobby and I started asking if she was okay. They assured us she was fine. She was just looking around at this new world.
She was so calm. The nursery nurses all commented on how calm and quiet she was- and she's still just as sweet! I didn't hear her first cry until that evening around 6:00!
We were in heaven from the minute she arrived. Looking back, it's already hard to remember details. It's like a bunch of still shots in my mind. The whole experience is a bit of a blur but in the end I know I was the happiest I had ever been. We're just smitten with our little Mary Grace!
We were sent home on Saturday, April 7th. When we were all loaded up in the car and on our way, I remember asking Bobby if he was ready for the journey ahead. We both agreed that as long as we have each other and the Lord to guide us, we will make it through. We talked about all the wonderful moments still to come as we watch our baby grow.
We arrived at the hospital as a couple, but we're leaving as a family!
We made it home!
Showing Mary Grace her room.
This has been the sweetest time of our lives, and we know it's only the beginning. We're looking forward to a lifetime of love and joy as we watch our daughter grow. We're looking forward to making so many memories together and enjoying milestones such as walking, going to kindergarten, prom, graduation, her wedding, and then the day when she has children of her own. Yet while we are looking forward to those days, we're savoring every minute of this sweet time in her life.
We are blessed.