Monday, April 30

Sweet Dreams

I snapped this sweet photo tonight and realized just how immensely happy I am.
I love those two red heads!

Thursday, April 26

Week 3

3 weeks? Wow. I cannot believe our little bambino is already 3 weeks old. This afternoon MG and I had a little photo shoot. I wanted to snap a few pictures of her cute little features, as I can already tell they've changed so much since birth.

 I love this sweet face! 
Little feet...
Tiny hands...
We love her little fuzzy ears! 

Wednesday, April 25

Birth Story

When we left the house on Wednesday, April 4th, we had no idea we wouldn't be coming back without our baby.

It was Bobby's 34th birthday and I had a doctor's appointment. Little did we know this would be a birthday that Bobby would never forget. I was 38.6 weeks pregnant. We had plans to go out to dinner to celebrate Bobby's birthday and do a little shopping after our doctor's appointment.

I have always taken our belly pictures on Thursdays, but something told me to get one that morning.

38.6 weeks
The last belly pictures. 

At our appointment we had an ultrasound to see just how big little bit was measuring. She was averaging 8 lbs. 5 oz. By this point I was finished. After months of bedrest and a rocky pregnancy, I was ready to meet our little bambino. I was thrilled (though a bit shocked) when our doctor sent us to the hospital to be induced. We were so excited that our little one would soon be on her way!

We were told to wait about an hour before arriving to the hospital, so we decided to go out for dinner at Logan's to celebrate the hubby's birthday. It was our last dinner as just the two of us.

We arrived at the hospital around 1:00 and at 2:15 they gave me the first round of medication to start dilation. When we arrived I was not dilated. At 6:00 they checked me and I was 2 cm and 80% effaced. They gave me the second round of cervical medication and things started picking up. I started having heavy contractions around 8:00 and by 9:00 I was only getting about a 10 second break between contractions. I was given Stadol (spelling?) for pain management and then received my epidural at 11:00. At the time I received the epidural I was 5 cm. The epidural was wonderful and Bobby and I were soon asleep for the night. I was given a break to rest for the night, and then the next morning at 6:30 they started Pitocin. I was still 5cm. At about 7:00 they broke my water and then it was just a waiting game. Around lunchtime I was 7 cm and was able to catch a short nap before the big moment came. I started pushing at 1:45. I pushed a total of 11 times, taking a few breathers here and there, and at 2:16 p.m. our sweet baby made her debut into the world! She was 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 19 inches long.

In that moment, we went from just two to a family of three....

She never cried after she was born.  The cord was around her neck, and then when we didn't hear her crying Bobby and I started asking if she was okay. They assured us she was fine. She was just looking around at this new world. She was so calm. The nursery nurses all commented on how calm and quiet she was- and she's still just as sweet! I didn't hear her first cry until that evening around 6:00!

We were in heaven from the minute she arrived. Looking back, it's already hard to remember details. It's like a bunch of still shots in my mind. The whole experience is a bit of a blur but in the end I know I was the happiest I had ever been. We're just smitten with our little Mary Grace!

We were sent home on Saturday, April 7th. When we were all loaded up in the car and on our way, I remember asking Bobby if he was ready for the journey ahead. We both agreed that as long as we have each other and the Lord to guide us, we will make it through. We talked about all the wonderful moments still to come as we watch our baby grow.
We arrived at the hospital as a couple, but we're leaving as a family!

We made it home!
Showing Mary Grace her room.

This has been the sweetest time of our lives, and we know it's only the beginning. We're looking forward to a lifetime of love and joy as we watch our daughter grow. We're looking forward to making so many memories together and enjoying milestones such as walking, going to kindergarten, prom, graduation, her wedding, and then the day when she has children of her own. Yet while we are looking forward to those days, we're savoring every minute of this sweet time in her life.

We are blessed.

Ready For My Close Up!

Though she may have only been 6 days old, MG was definitely being a camera ham! Once again we used Portraits by Chelsea to capture this sweet moment in time, and once again she delivered some gorgeous shots. We loved that she came to our home, which made it so easy since we didn't have to worry about loading up a 6 day old newborn and trekking off somewhere. Let's face it, when you have a baby, every single move must be a very calculated one!

Here are just a few of our favorite shots of sweet Mary Grace.

Tuesday, April 24

A Very Goodnight Indeed

I thought I'd take a moment to brag on our sweet MG. Last night she slept from 9:00 until 2:45. That's over 5 1/2 hours! She was up for about 45 minutes to eat and get a diaper change, then she was out again from 3:30 until 7:00 - another 3 1/2 hours!

Needless to say, we were two very happy parents!

Here's to hoping for a repeat tonight.

Maybe we're on the fast track to having an all night sleeper sooner rather than later.

Friday, April 20

First Trip to Ezell's and Checking out the 'Hood

2.1 weeks old

 Today MG had her first trip to Ezell's for lunch. Judging by the little smile on her face, I'd say she liked it!
Afterwards, I took MG on her first stroll around the little lake. During the ride, she met a few of our sweet neighbors.

Tuesday, April 17

2nd Doctor's Appointment

We saw Dr. Elliot again today to have MG's weight rechecked. She met her goal and weighed 7 lbs. 10 ounces ( one ounce more than her birth weight).

Makes me a little sad that she's already bigger than she was when she came into this world.

Tuesday, April 10

1st Doctor's Appointment

Mary Grace had her first doctor's appointment today. This was also our first 'outing'- if you'd call it that. We were so nervous about getting out of the house with her.

Everything looked great and sweet Mary Grace is the picture of health. She weighed 7 lbs. 3 ounces, which means she lost 6 ounces since birth. However, we were told at the hospital to expect a little weight loss the first week. Her jaundice looked much better and Dr. Elliot didn't even see the need to recheck her billirubin. Which made this Mommy happy because I was dreading having to see her get pricked! She measured 19.5 inches, so she's grown half an inch since birth.

 Mommy and Mary Grace getting ready to leave for the doctor's office.

Our pediatrician is Dr. Elliot and we absolutely love him! Everyone at his office is super sweet and really took the time to answer all our questions and give us tips and advice. Another plus of seeing Dr. Elliot is that the lactation nurse we met in the hospital shares his office too. We were able to meet with her for some breastfeeding tips after we saw the doctor.

We will see the pediatrician again next week to recheck her weight. The goal is for her to be at, or above, her birth weight. If I were to make a prediction based on her eating habits, I'd say she's not going to have a problem reaching that goal! 

Thursday, April 5

Mary Grace James

Our sweet Mary Grace made her debut into the world today at 2:16 pm. She was 7lbs 9 oz and 19 inches long. She is a spitting image of her daddy. We have been in heaven since she arrived.

We are head over heels in love with her.

Monday, April 2

New Toy

One of our baby gifts we received was a new camera. I am horrible about taking pictures and creating photo albums. I think we may have about 3 or so pictures of my husband and I during the first 4 years we were dating! Terrible, I know!

We had been eyeing the Canon Rebel EOS t3i for a few weeks. With the baby coming, we wanted to upgrade- we are hoping this will help us do better at capturing those sweet moments as MG grows up! We love this camera! It has so many functions and we will probably never figure out how to use them all! Along with the camera, we were given two other lenses and all the accessories would could ever need.
Thanks, Mima!

Sunday, April 1

God is in Control

The specialist said we wouldn't make it to April, and yet here we are! We are proof that with God, all things are possible! We are praising him today for this blessing he has showered on us.

All things happen in HIS time!