Once again I'm sick. Thursday I awoke with a scratchy throat and a slight case of the sniffles. Friday morning I awoke with the same symptoms. By Friday afternoon I was dizzy, having chills and body aches, had a SEVERE headache, sinus congestion, and cough. I've never gotten so sick so fast. I came home and was in the bed asleep by 5:30. I didn't get up until after 10 Saturday morning. I spent the entire day on the couch with the heated blanket. The worst part about this cold is the headache I've had. It's killing me!
Today I'm even more congested and instead of a dry aggravating cough- my chest now burns and all sorts of yuckies are coming up.
Just great.
If I'm not any better by tomorrow I'm heading to the doctor after work. I hope I can get over this before next weekend. The hubby and I are having a romantic weekend away in Vicksburg at a Bed and Breakfast. Not to mention that Wednesday is our first field trip of the year- to the pumpkin patch- so I will need all my strength to survive the day.
The only thing I hate about working with children is that I'm always sick. Veteran teachers tell me that it gets better with time - as my immune system builds up it defenses. I hope they're right! I worked in a hospital for almost 2 years and only caught 2 colds. I guess people are right when they say kid's germs are different.
Precautions I've Been Taking To Avoid Sickness:1.
Germ X. I've Germ X'ed my hands, and my students hands, so much that they're peeling! I've found I prefer the apple scent.

Clorox Wipes. Every afternoon I give every student a clorox wipe and we clean the room trying to kill the 'yuckies'.

Airborne. This stuff was created by a teacher. You take it to help boost your immune system to avoid catching colds. I take it daily but to no avail. I prefer the Lemon-Lime Flavor

Good Ole' Vitamin C. I take one large vitamin C tablet every morning- religously!

Hand Washing. Again, same thing with the Germ X. We're washing our hands so much they stay 'pruned'!

If anyone has any other suggestions that I could add to my daily defense plan please let me know. I need all the help I can get!