Thursday, February 26

Skinny Minny

Today's Stats:

Ran: 3.41 mi.
Pace: 9'53"
Weight: 126 lbs.......

Did you get that?
Weight: 126 lbs.


I've been safety pinning my dress pants up for a while now. So, today I went on a MAJOR clothes shopping spree. I'm proud to say that I'm in a size 4 - which is just a bit loose on me. I had been in a 6-8. I'm ecstatic! Plus, I bought all my shirts in a small -rather than the medium I had been wearing.

Just call me Skinny Minny!

I also bought this dress that is too cute!
Luh - uvvv it!
Can't wait to wear it to work!

Sunday, February 15

I've Been Tagged

Amanda, Gypsy Soul, was gracious enough to bestow upon me The Fabulous Blog Award! Thanks Amanda, not only for reading my blog, but for thinking it deserves an award! Here's the survey I chose to fill out.....ENJOY!

Maybe I should... have been a photographer.
I love the smell of... fresh cut grass!
People would say that I... am very organized, punctual, and neat. a type A personality.
I don’t understand why... so many children are merely surviving rather than thriving in our world.
When I wake up in the morning... I head straight for the shower.
I lost my will power to... arrive early to work! My goal was to get there about 7-ish....that lasted about 2 months. Now, I'm pushing it to get there on time at 7:30.
Life is wonderful with... my husband!
My past made me... want to change. Thanks goodness I found JESUS and wonderful people at Homewood Church of Christ!
I get annoyed when... people are not neat, organized, and punctual.
Parties are not... my idea of a good time.
Dogs are... messy and belong outdoors.
Cats are… furry, shed to much, and also belong outdoors.
Tomorrow I am going to… try and make it to the gym @ 5 a.m.- that way I can get home before too late!
I'm totally terrified of... losing my husband. I'm not sure I could survive the grief if something happened to him.
I wonder why I thought my life would be... chaotic, like it was when I was a child. My goal was always to be different than those I grew up with. My life now is quite organized, calm, and planned out - just how I want it.
Never in my life... did I think I would be a teacher, let alone a kindergarten teacher. Life's strange sometimes!
High school was something that... I wish I could redo. I wish I had been saved when I was much younger.
When I'm nervous... I clean.... my house, my car, my classroom....anything in sight. People make me extremely nervous, not sure why though!
Take my advice... marry your best friend........and finish college.
Making my bed is… the first thing I do every morning.
I'm almost always... moving. I don't like being sedentary.
I want someone… to sincerely tell me I've succeeded thus far at life, surpassed their expectations, and that I'm doing a marvelous job...... then hand me a million dollar check for my efforts!

Just Plain Creepy

My classroom has a back door that opens up to a small patio, which I share with the other kindergarten teacher. I let my kids go out on it and do sidewalk chalk, dress up, games, etc. I've been doing this a lot lately since it's been so pretty. I've also just been propping the door open to let in the warmth, fresh air, and sunshine each afternoon.

On Thursday afternoon I was opening the door and guess what I found.......

A Black Widow Spider.

You read correctly- a black widow! I FREAKED out- to say the least! I took several pictures of it on my phone, but have yet to figure out how to get if from my phone onto my computer. So, I surfed the web and found the above picture plus some creepy information about the Black Widow Spider.

The 'what if 's' keep running through my mind.

Ugh, that's just plain creepy!

Valentine's Day

For me, Valentine's Day came twice.
Let me explain....

Friday was my kindergarten class Valentine's Day Party. I must admit that I had been dreading it for weeks. I seriously considered calling in, except I highly doubted my assistant would survive the horrendous day alone - goodness knows I would not have. I had flashbacks of how crazy my kiddos were during the Christmas party- and I knew they would be just as active Friday afternoon.

Now....where should I begin?

Let me start with the food! I sent home letter to all my parents asking them to volunteer to either help out at the party, bring food, or both. I ended up with approximately 120 cupcakes, 5 2 liter drinks, 4 packages of Capri Sun drinks (10 per pack), 5 bags of chips, 2 bags of individually wrapped chips, 3 containers of frosted cookies, dip, and an immeasurable amount of candy.

I must admit, for the most part I have a wonderful group of parents! I couldn't thank them enough!

For morning work I had the students decorate paper bags as puppy dogs using hearts. The bags were to help them carry their 'loot' home. They were absolutely adorable!

Then, we get to the part about the Valentine's cards. I sent a note home that listed everyone's name so that parents and students could fill out their cards. Out of 20 students, only 4 filled theirs out. The rest of my students brought in their boxes of cards- and they hadn't even opened them! There was no name of who it was to or from. To add to this, cards have gotten rather sophisticated since I was in school. The majority of the cards my students brought had to be -assembled-. Yes. That's right. Assembled. I was frustrated to say the least. What I chose to do about the situation may be considered as 'rude' by some. Instead of letting the kids fill them out themselves (they're 5 for goodness sakes!), and instead of spending the entire day filling them out myself (which is why I sent home the list), I just opened the boxes and put one card in each bag. I did not label who it was to or who it was from.


I draw the line somewhere!

Plus, I highly doubt my 5 year old's are going to dig through their bag and read each card! They're more interested in the candy anyways.

It took just shy of 2 hours just to pass out the cards and candy in each bag. By the time the party actually started, I was sick of Valentine's Day!

Of course, the kids were super excited, and I'm glad they had a good time! I LOVE seeing them happy!

And, as predicted, I received numerous boxes of chocolate from my kiddos! Thanks sweet peas!

So, now you're up to speed on my class party. Now on to what my hubby did for me! =)

Friday morning while I was getting ready for work he asked me what I wanted. I couldn't think of anything. He suggested the typical flowers, jewelry and chocolate idea. After getting all that chocolate from my kiddos, I'm glad I turned down that idea.

Finally, I told him that instead of spending money on something, I wanted him to do something for me.

Oh, did he ever! When I got home from work Friday evening, the house was immaculate! (You should know by now that I LOVE a clean home more than anything!). He swept, vacuumed, polished the furniture, cleaned the bathroom, made the bed, washed dishes, and much more. Plus, to top it off, he had candles lit when I walked in the door! How sweet is that! I couldn't have asked for a better gift!

That's right! My man is "The Man"!

I thoroughly enjoyed my evening and weekend that was free from any house duties! I was able to relax, enjoy dinner, and recuperate after the day's adventure! Saturday I took him out to eat at Outback and we spend the day together shopping. Although, I'm ashamed to say that his gift to me far surpassed what I did for him. At least in my opinion. He disagrees!

On another note, we moved the last bit of furniture out of our guest room on Saturday morning. I'm so glad we were able to sell it. I'm now in the process of organizing/storing our wedding things. Then, it's on to decorating this blank canvas!

Sunday, February 8


After my husband and I purchased our new bedroom furniture, we were faced with a dilemma. 'What are we going to do with the old furniture?'. I didn't want to keep it and put it in the guest room (I want to re-do that room differently), so we put it up for sale. We had a few nibbles but nothing serious- until December. One of our housekeepers fell in love with it and has been after it ever since. Well, this morning I got the call that yes, she is buying it, and she wants to come get it from me today! I'm all for that! I had FINALLY cleaned out the guest bedroom (it was stuffed to the rim with junk) and then we had to put that old furniture back there so it junked it up again! I'm so glad that stuff will be out of there- now I can get busy on refurnishing and decorating it!

Hip. Hip. Hooray!