Sunday, August 31
A Name For Hermit Crab
Last week during story time I read the book A House For Hermit Crab to my students. I made a huge prop for this story in college so I was able to use it again. After the story I informed my students that we would be getting our own hermit crab for our classroom. As part of their art time I had them construct/decorate their own hermit crab. Then, I came around and asked them what they would name it. I hung their pictures up all over the room- they were so cute! So, Friday night I purchased two hermit crabs for our classroom. Now, the problem is I'm not sure what to name them. The last two hermit crabs I had (yes, I've done this before for school) were named Fred and Ethel- I'm a huge I Love Lucy fan! I thought about picking two names from my students artwork. But, the other students would feel left out because I didn't choose their name. So, here are some pictures of our class pets. Their shells are really decorated- hence to go with the theme of the story. I'm taking suggestions from my blog fans. I thought about naming them Tori and Dean - yes, after my favorite show! Here's the question of the day. "What should I name our hermit crabs?"

Wednesday, August 27
Ron Clark Comes To Meridian
Today was an exciting event for the Meridian Public School District. They arranged for Ron Clark to come and speak to all of the district teachers. For those of you who are unfamiliar with teaching icons, Ron Clark is know as 'America's Educator'. He is probably the most decorated teacher in our nation's history. A few years ago a movie was made about his life starring Matthew Perry, The Ron Clark Story. It's very inspirational and I recommend it for those who have never seen it. Ron's most recent endeavor was founding his own school, The Ron Clark Academy, in Atlanta, GA. I would absolutely LOVE to go and observe his school, the teachers, and him in action. The problem is I can't afford the fee- it cost $10 grand for him to come and speak today! Donations, anyone?
Overall Ron did a fabulous job. He was so hilariously funny- yet he kept it real. Everything he said hit home to educators. By the end of the presentation, my sides hurt from laughing so much. He was so funny I was in tears! It was like going to an awesome comedy show. During grad school this summer I was required to read two of his books and critique them. So, it was interesting to see him in real life. Too bad I didn't get one of my books autographed!
I encourage you to google his name and see some of the things he has done. For instance, his middle school guarantees that by the time the kids leave eight grade, they will have visited six of the seven continents! Amazing! He is truly hypnotizing and inspiring.
Also, visit his school website at
I also urge fellow teachers to read his two books, The Essential 55 and The Excellent 11.
Overall Ron did a fabulous job. He was so hilariously funny- yet he kept it real. Everything he said hit home to educators. By the end of the presentation, my sides hurt from laughing so much. He was so funny I was in tears! It was like going to an awesome comedy show. During grad school this summer I was required to read two of his books and critique them. So, it was interesting to see him in real life. Too bad I didn't get one of my books autographed!
I encourage you to google his name and see some of the things he has done. For instance, his middle school guarantees that by the time the kids leave eight grade, they will have visited six of the seven continents! Amazing! He is truly hypnotizing and inspiring.
Here is a snippet of the movie 'The Ron Clark Story'
Also, visit his school website at
I also urge fellow teachers to read his two books, The Essential 55 and The Excellent 11.
Tuesday, August 26
Quote of the Week
This week's quote is one of my favorite passages from the Bible. Lately, during my time of new beginnings, this scripture has really been on my mind.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
My study Bible has this passage from Luci Swindoll pertaining to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
"In Ecclesiastes 3, the wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, expounds on the times and seasons of our lives and how they all fit together. Life is not some vague process of subtle, illogical patterns place willy-nilly in our path for us to puzzle over. It's a composite of definitives: joys and sorrows, gains and losses, giving and keeping, laughing and grieving, loving and losing....on and on until the last numbered day arrives." Luci Swindoll
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
My study Bible has this passage from Luci Swindoll pertaining to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
"In Ecclesiastes 3, the wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, expounds on the times and seasons of our lives and how they all fit together. Life is not some vague process of subtle, illogical patterns place willy-nilly in our path for us to puzzle over. It's a composite of definitives: joys and sorrows, gains and losses, giving and keeping, laughing and grieving, loving and losing....on and on until the last numbered day arrives." Luci Swindoll
Tuesday, August 19
Kindergarten Kraziness- Weak Stomach's not allowed
Today was round two. Lessons learned:
1) Your babies will throw up!
2) This could happen on the floor- but 9 times out of 10, they vomit on your rug.
3) More times than not, they will be covered in vomit.
4) This could even happen on you- yes, they will throw up on you!!
Numbers 1-3 happened to me. I'm still waiting on #4. My day started of with a bang, when, at 8:15, one of my babies threw up on the rug and herself. Well, I rush to help her to the sink, get a good whiff of it, and I start gaging. The counselor is trying to get me into the bathroom before I hurl! Ahh, nothing get's your blood pumping in the morning like throw up! The whole fiasco was so hilariously not funny that it WAS funny. I just stood there, amidst the chaos, and started laughing. I almost couldn't control myself. My K babies are breaking me in good! Even among the midst of puke, crying babies, and my own self gaging, there was still nowhere else I would have rather been! So, what did I learn today? I need to get a stronger stomach!
1) Your babies will throw up!
2) This could happen on the floor- but 9 times out of 10, they vomit on your rug.
3) More times than not, they will be covered in vomit.
4) This could even happen on you- yes, they will throw up on you!!
Numbers 1-3 happened to me. I'm still waiting on #4. My day started of with a bang, when, at 8:15, one of my babies threw up on the rug and herself. Well, I rush to help her to the sink, get a good whiff of it, and I start gaging. The counselor is trying to get me into the bathroom before I hurl! Ahh, nothing get's your blood pumping in the morning like throw up! The whole fiasco was so hilariously not funny that it WAS funny. I just stood there, amidst the chaos, and started laughing. I almost couldn't control myself. My K babies are breaking me in good! Even among the midst of puke, crying babies, and my own self gaging, there was still nowhere else I would have rather been! So, what did I learn today? I need to get a stronger stomach!
Monday, August 18
KINDERGARTEN KRAZINESS - lessons learned on the first day of school
During my undergrad work we were encouraged to journal our adventures in teaching. I managed to scrounge up enough energy to journal this.
Lessons Learned on my First Day
1) Be sure to locate/know your students lunch numbers (preferably BEFORE you enter the lunch line. I'm so sorry cafeteria workers. I honestly DID NOT KNOW!)
2) Have students memorize their lunch numbers. (Once again, I apologize.)
3) Until students students have memorized their numbers, have it clearly written on their name badges. (Preferably BEFORE you enter the lunch line). (Please don't hate me, I really am sorry! I promise that you're getting a loaf of my homemade sourdough bread this week!)
4) Have a daily 'to-do' list for assistant. This will help stabalize any OCDness you may suffer from.
5) It's okay to panic when, at 4:00 you're late for grad school AND your biggest 'what if' has come true- a student has gone MIA sometime during the hustle of bus/car rider pick ups. The parent is there wanting to know where their child is. (Big OOOPS! Not my fault though, which the parent stressed at least a hundred times. It was the Boys and Girls Club's fault.) Just DON'T panic in front of the parent.
In all seriousness, I learned more today- my first day- than I did during my ENTIRE time in the Education Program at MSU. Nothing they could have told me would have prepared me for today. Teaching is one of those professions where you have to live, make mistakes, and learn from them. Experience is your education!
Lessons Learned on my First Day
1) Be sure to locate/know your students lunch numbers (preferably BEFORE you enter the lunch line. I'm so sorry cafeteria workers. I honestly DID NOT KNOW!)
2) Have students memorize their lunch numbers. (Once again, I apologize.)
3) Until students students have memorized their numbers, have it clearly written on their name badges. (Preferably BEFORE you enter the lunch line). (Please don't hate me, I really am sorry! I promise that you're getting a loaf of my homemade sourdough bread this week!)
4) Have a daily 'to-do' list for assistant. This will help stabalize any OCDness you may suffer from.
5) It's okay to panic when, at 4:00 you're late for grad school AND your biggest 'what if' has come true- a student has gone MIA sometime during the hustle of bus/car rider pick ups. The parent is there wanting to know where their child is. (Big OOOPS! Not my fault though, which the parent stressed at least a hundred times. It was the Boys and Girls Club's fault.) Just DON'T panic in front of the parent.
In all seriousness, I learned more today- my first day- than I did during my ENTIRE time in the Education Program at MSU. Nothing they could have told me would have prepared me for today. Teaching is one of those professions where you have to live, make mistakes, and learn from them. Experience is your education!
I feel like I could scream.....
Sunday, August 17
Ready To Save The World
My school held a 'Meet & Greet' this afternoon for the parents and students. It was a time for parents and students to meet their teacher, check out the classrooms, drop off school supplies, and get an overview of how the classes will work. I'm very proud to say that 13 out of 18 of my parents/students came! I called all of my parents yesterday to remind them- I guess it worked! I was soooooo nervous to meet them. But I'm glad we had this time because I'm more confident for tomorrow morning.
Gosh, it's hard to believe that tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. I'll have 18 kindergarten babies. I can just picture them sitting on my rug, eyes wide, looking like scared little chicks- I guess that makes me 'Mama Hen'! lol It's going to be an adventure for all of us. After all, tomorrow is my first day of school as a first year teacher! It's my first day of kindergarten too!
I'm beginning to have the 'What if...' thoughts. "What if I mess up the bus duty? And at 4:00 I have ten kids sitting in the office with me?" "What if I can't teach them what they need to know? What if I can't get through to them?" "What if my alarm clock doesn't go off and I wake up at 10:00?" "What if they don't like me?"
These are just a few of the nightmares I've been having lately. I'm scared to death, yet I've never felt so excited. I've been telling myself over and over "I'm a teacher. I've been trained to do this." Well, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I'm going to bed at 7 tonight. I have to get a good nights sleep- after all, tomorrow I have to be ready to save the world!
Gosh, it's hard to believe that tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. I'll have 18 kindergarten babies. I can just picture them sitting on my rug, eyes wide, looking like scared little chicks- I guess that makes me 'Mama Hen'! lol It's going to be an adventure for all of us. After all, tomorrow is my first day of school as a first year teacher! It's my first day of kindergarten too!
I'm beginning to have the 'What if...' thoughts. "What if I mess up the bus duty? And at 4:00 I have ten kids sitting in the office with me?" "What if I can't teach them what they need to know? What if I can't get through to them?" "What if my alarm clock doesn't go off and I wake up at 10:00?" "What if they don't like me?"
These are just a few of the nightmares I've been having lately. I'm scared to death, yet I've never felt so excited. I've been telling myself over and over "I'm a teacher. I've been trained to do this." Well, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I'm going to bed at 7 tonight. I have to get a good nights sleep- after all, tomorrow I have to be ready to save the world!
Saturday, August 16
New Beginnings
Lately I've been reflecting on myself, my life, my career, my family, and my friendships. I've come to realize that I'm at a very special and rare point in my life- my time for new beginnings. The last, and greatest, new beginning I had was during the time when God called me into 'my desert' (Birmingham) and I was saved. That was the best 'beginning' I will ever have. This new beginning I speak of now is a bit different. I'm really evaluating the things, and people, that do and do not make me happy. I'm at a very exciting time in my life. So, what's are my 'new beginnings'? There are several..... I just graduated college and I'm about to begin my new career as a teacher. In June I started on a new path in school towards earning my Master's degree in June '09 and beginning my Doctorate that August. Monday was my first day 'on contract' with my new job as a kindergarten teacher. My students will arrive on Monday morning ready for me to fill their minds with knowledge. My husband and I are also at an exciting time in our lives. Since I've graduated and am now working we are able to take action on several dreams we have for our life. We are looking at new houses and praying about this endeavor. We're also beginning to discuss and prepare for the possibility of children in our future. I've also made several new friendships with fellow Parkview teachers. I've been praying over several of my relationships/friendships and have finally come to some decisions. Thus, I've discovered what I do and do not want from friendships/relationships- a few have begun to fade away while others are strengthening.
The air is electrical. I feel it every year at this time, when Autumn is just around the corner- but especially this year with all of my new beginnings. I'm full of excitement for the future. During my college years it felt as if I were standing on the sidelines, waiting for that moment when my life could start. I'm finally a teacher- my true calling from God. It feels as if I've stepped into adulthood. I've jumped onto the track and am now running in the race called life. I've reached that point in my life where I've finally figured out what, and who, makes me happy, and what I want from life. I'm also more aware of just who I am and who I want to be. It feels as if my new life is starting. For the moment, I'm breathing a bit easier.
The air is electrical. I feel it every year at this time, when Autumn is just around the corner- but especially this year with all of my new beginnings. I'm full of excitement for the future. During my college years it felt as if I were standing on the sidelines, waiting for that moment when my life could start. I'm finally a teacher- my true calling from God. It feels as if I've stepped into adulthood. I've jumped onto the track and am now running in the race called life. I've reached that point in my life where I've finally figured out what, and who, makes me happy, and what I want from life. I'm also more aware of just who I am and who I want to be. It feels as if my new life is starting. For the moment, I'm breathing a bit easier.
Tuesday, August 12
Quote of the Week
To all of my family, friends, and even you creepy blog stalkers- I am so very sorry for being such a bad blogger lately. I was finally able to get into my classroom and between getting it ready and day long meetings, I've barely had time to breathe! Last week I did not post a "Quote of the Week". Again, for my faithful readers, I'm sorry! This weeks quote is for my not-so-little brother, Josh. He turned 20 yesterday! Happy Birthday Brother! Love Ya!

My brother, Josh, standing next to an actual piece of the Berlin Wall.

To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.
~Clara Ortega
~Clara Ortega
(This is the quote I'm painting onto my other 'frame'. It will have one large picture of my brother and I when we were young)
P.S.: I PROMISE to post a full, detailed update (including photos) of my busy week and my beautiful classroom! I'll try and have it up by tomorrow evening- so check back soon!
P.S.: I PROMISE to post a full, detailed update (including photos) of my busy week and my beautiful classroom! I'll try and have it up by tomorrow evening- so check back soon!
Monday, August 4
By HIS wounds we are healed.....
I found this video while surfing the net. The song is one of my favorites! It's words are very true- but the video speaks even louder. It's pieces of "The Passion of the Christ". It's graphic- but not graphic enough when depicting just what my Jesus went through for me....and you. The video brought me to tears. It's impossible for me to watch the passion, or sit through a sermon on the crucifixion of my Savior without breaking down. HE truly is amazing grace, forgiveness, mercy, and all surpassing love!
There are a few other good videos on the menu bar (at the end of the video). Check them out!
There are a few other good videos on the menu bar (at the end of the video). Check them out!
Friday, August 1
I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life
This week has definitely sapped the life right out of me. It has been chocked full of highs, lows, and crazy turns. Ahhh, where do I begin?
Registration for new and returning students was held in our library all week long. I worked one of the tables on Monday, Wednesday, and today (Friday). It started at eight and ended at three. We would be really busy for a bit, and then really slow! I really enjoyed working at my new school. It was a great opportunity for me to meet several members of the faculty and get to know them. After this week I'm certain I made the right choice in schools. (I was offered 3rd grade at another school and turned it down for Kindergarten at Parkview). Those who know me well will agree that Kindergarten is where my heart is! I'm very much in love with my school, fellow teachers and staff, principal, and school grounds. Our school was completely renovated this summer- so everything is brand new! Very exciting! Spending time at my school was definitely one of the highlights of my week.
Another positive is a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Honeycutt, whom I've become friends with. I first met her in June- we shared a graduate class together. Then, in July we ended up sharing another class. She's a teacher at my new school and an unbelievably sweet person. She's given me a huge box of books for my classroom. She even got me a 'happy' gift as a welcome for being new to the faculty. She is a very positive, uplifting person. There is nothing negative about her. I'm very glad that we've become friends.
Making progress in my classroom was marked with ups and downs. I've yet to see my room (due to the renovations. Our building is really new, but they used it to store computers etc.). The Kindergarten building should be accessible by Monday. Mrs. Honeycutt and a few other teachers have assured me that I'll have plenty of time to get things settled- they've all volunteered to help me unpack and set up. See, another example of how wonderful the faculty is! A few positives are some items I've acquired for my room. Another teacher offered to sell me one of those small classroom refrigerators- for only $25! Of course I agreed- who could turn down an offer like that? This was an item I wanted, but wasn't too keen on spending $150 + on. I was also able to raid the supply room. I ended up with three humongous boxes full of notebooks, folders, construction paper, glue, sheet protectors, binders, collapsible folders, and dozens of other items. This was a real treat! All in all, I'm ready to dig in and get my classroom finished. I'm beginning to become a bit impatient!
Graduate school was yet another part of my busy week. I finished this month's class and earned an A. So, I still have that 4.0 GPA. I just got my grades a few minutes ago. However, I'm too exhausted to get excited and celebrate. Long sigh.......
To end the day with a bang, I came home to find my husband sick with a sore throat. To make things even better, I'm about to lose my voice! Wonderful! We're both craving a long, lazy, quiet weekend at home. Unfortunately, this will not be the case. Bobby's grandmother, Nanny, turns 80 on Sunday. The family is coming into town today and tomorrow for a huge birthday party for her on Sunday. So, this will greatly occupy our weekend. We're really looking forward to the party and seeing family. Hopefully we'll feel better by tomorrow and our weekend won't be ruined.
This has been our life this week. Long, busy, exhausting, but life none the less. Long, long, long, sigh......
Registration for new and returning students was held in our library all week long. I worked one of the tables on Monday, Wednesday, and today (Friday). It started at eight and ended at three. We would be really busy for a bit, and then really slow! I really enjoyed working at my new school. It was a great opportunity for me to meet several members of the faculty and get to know them. After this week I'm certain I made the right choice in schools. (I was offered 3rd grade at another school and turned it down for Kindergarten at Parkview). Those who know me well will agree that Kindergarten is where my heart is! I'm very much in love with my school, fellow teachers and staff, principal, and school grounds. Our school was completely renovated this summer- so everything is brand new! Very exciting! Spending time at my school was definitely one of the highlights of my week.
Another positive is a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Honeycutt, whom I've become friends with. I first met her in June- we shared a graduate class together. Then, in July we ended up sharing another class. She's a teacher at my new school and an unbelievably sweet person. She's given me a huge box of books for my classroom. She even got me a 'happy' gift as a welcome for being new to the faculty. She is a very positive, uplifting person. There is nothing negative about her. I'm very glad that we've become friends.
Making progress in my classroom was marked with ups and downs. I've yet to see my room (due to the renovations. Our building is really new, but they used it to store computers etc.). The Kindergarten building should be accessible by Monday. Mrs. Honeycutt and a few other teachers have assured me that I'll have plenty of time to get things settled- they've all volunteered to help me unpack and set up. See, another example of how wonderful the faculty is! A few positives are some items I've acquired for my room. Another teacher offered to sell me one of those small classroom refrigerators- for only $25! Of course I agreed- who could turn down an offer like that? This was an item I wanted, but wasn't too keen on spending $150 + on. I was also able to raid the supply room. I ended up with three humongous boxes full of notebooks, folders, construction paper, glue, sheet protectors, binders, collapsible folders, and dozens of other items. This was a real treat! All in all, I'm ready to dig in and get my classroom finished. I'm beginning to become a bit impatient!
Graduate school was yet another part of my busy week. I finished this month's class and earned an A. So, I still have that 4.0 GPA. I just got my grades a few minutes ago. However, I'm too exhausted to get excited and celebrate. Long sigh.......
To end the day with a bang, I came home to find my husband sick with a sore throat. To make things even better, I'm about to lose my voice! Wonderful! We're both craving a long, lazy, quiet weekend at home. Unfortunately, this will not be the case. Bobby's grandmother, Nanny, turns 80 on Sunday. The family is coming into town today and tomorrow for a huge birthday party for her on Sunday. So, this will greatly occupy our weekend. We're really looking forward to the party and seeing family. Hopefully we'll feel better by tomorrow and our weekend won't be ruined.
This has been our life this week. Long, busy, exhausting, but life none the less. Long, long, long, sigh......
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